Marion City Police Department report, second week of February 2019
MARION, Ill. - Marion City Police officials had a busy second week of February 2019, as this report displays. Keith Barnes, 37 of Marion has been arrested for Criminal Trespass to Property in the 300...
View ArticleFalling asleep at the wheel leads to crash in Carrier Mills
CARRIER MILLS, Ill. - A Carrier Mills woman told Illinois State Police that she fell asleep at the wheel this afternoon, a situation which lead to a two-vehicle accident but fortunately, only minor...
View ArticleNabbed for talking on cell while driving: Indiana man found to be revoked out...
PALESTINE, Ill. - An actual arrest of a person talking on a cell phone lead to the discovery that the man was driving on a revoked Florida license, of all things. (We say 'actual arrest' because so...
View ArticleYour opportunity to show some love is right here in this post
Joe Ocol ILLINOIS - While we here at Disclosure don't observe Valentine's Day (nor any other 'day,' for that matter, as it's all commercialism), that doesn't stop us from encouraging you to show some...
View ArticleAnother school employee charged with sexual misconduct, this one in Mattoon
MATTOON, Ill. - As if the Mattoon-area and Coles County schools hadn't already been plagued with problems (as most schools in the nation actually are these days), now, they've got another one to deal...
View ArticleOngoing criminality lands Marion man in prison out of White County
Dylan Gene Desper WHITE CO., Ill. - A guy from Marion who just couldn't stay out of Carmi nor out of trouble has finally found the answer to his woes through the White County Circuit Court: He's off...
View ArticleDrug suspect able to post thousand$ in bond after meth arrest
Harold Littlefield Jr. CARMI, Ill. - A Norris City guy who has repeatedly been given a pass for drug arrests over the years has been busted once again in Carmi, and he was able to post a whopping bond...
Quovadis Myers MARION, Ill. - The Marion Police Department is asking the public for help in locating a wanted subject. Quovadis Myers, 21 of Carbondale, has an active warrant for Aggravated Robbery...
View ArticleMultiple civilians, police officers, shot at manufacturing business, Aurora
A screen cap from ongoing televised video outside the Henry Pratt Company, Aurora AURORA, Ill. - A shooting has occurred at a manufacturing facility in Aurora in upstate Illinois, and reports are...
View ArticleAG Kwame Raoul issues statement in response to mass shooting in Aurora
Attorney General Kwame Raoul ILLINOIS - Attorney General Kwame Raoul today (Friday, February 15) issued the following statement in response to the mass shooting in Aurora, Ill. that claimed five...
View ArticleWoman wanted on Saline County warrant busted in White
Tara Keown's latest mugshot, wherein she's hiding behind the words. Don't worry...there are lots more mugs to show you WHITE CO., Ill. - One of south counties' more prolific and hateful crims made her...
View ArticleTwo-vehicle accident on Highway 51 sends both drivers to hospitals
MARION CO., Ill. - There's no mention of the weather in this wreck report out of Marion County, so it's fairly safe to assume that there was another reason for a driver to have lost control of his or...
View ArticleMarion City Police activity report shows some had no love on V-Day
MARION, Ill. - This installment of the Marion City Police activity report for mid-to-end of this week (February 13-15) proves that some had no love on or around Valentine's Day. Patrick McClerren, 43...
View ArticleHere’s what people have to look out for on the roads DAILY
Mackenzie Bryant VANDERBURGH CO., Ind. - Drivers in the readership area are all too familiar with tooling along down our Midwest highways and watching oncoming vehicles swerve right into our lanes...
View ArticleSheriff explains how IDOC escapee was apprehended; missing escapee considered...
Timothy Kerr WHITE CO., Ill. - Information about escapees from an Illinois Department of Corrections work release program were all over the news last week, with one being apprehended in White County,...
View ArticleLaundromat, storage facility damaged in Palestine; police looking for suspects
Photo provided PALESTINE, Ill. - The Palestine Police Department is investigating a burglary to Brock's Storage Units at 107 E. Harrison Street and Criminal Damage to Property to the Sudsy-Dudsy...
View ArticleVehicle in creek reported as stolen in White County
WHITE CO., Ill. - A situation Saturday caused a bit of concern for drivers on a rural White County road after a vehicle turned up stolen...and in a creek. Sheriff Doug Maier advised that at about...
View ArticleISP provides info related to the FOID revocation process and Aurora shooter...
Gary Martin, previous mugshot ILLINOIS - Illinois State Police have released information regarding the investigation into the man who is considered the Aurora workplace shooter, the incident occurring...
View ArticleSOLVED BY HELP FROM THE PUBLIC: Two teens arrested for laundry, storage...
PALESTINE, Ill. - The mystery of the masked men in the video stills featured earlier about two businesses being damaged in Palestine has been solved, and as it turns out, it was teens...familiar ones....
View ArticleAG Raoul joins lawsuit challenging Trump’s emergency at southern border
Everybody seems to forget that this is exactly the process O used to bring in DACA... ILLINOIS - Kwame Raoul isn't wasting any time filling Lisa Madigan's shoes and opposing each and every legal thing...
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