When involved in your round-and-round ACS Relays this weekend, remember:
In 1985, the point of the Relay for Life was to raise money for local cancer victims within your county, something that stopped more than a decade ago.
The ACS gets ALL the money raised, and delivers it to a central bank where it’s disbursed to “programs,” not people.
The ACS makes it difficult to find out where the money REALLY goes, but in documents such as this, which they must make available for tax purposes as a “charitable organization,” you can see, with a little analysis, that there isn’t a “six percent administrative” cost for the totals taken in annually in such fundraisers…that’s just the top administration. In actuality, EVERY DIVISION of the ACS has “administrators” and “administrative costs”…thus filtering further the amount of money made available to people who actually are suffering cancer.
Research and development isn’t going to help until the ACS stops funding toxic treatments and tells people what cancer really is, what really causes it…and what really cures it.
Save your steps…and your money. Because it might be you or your loved ones who get it NEXT, and the ACS and Relays can’t—and WON’T—help you.