PERRY CO.—The incident that made big news early in the week has gone from the embarrassing to the absurd.

The infamous sheriff, Keith Kellerman, this time IN his uniform. Oh, & don't click to see his's just a piece of art.
Perry County sheriff Keith Kellerman, whose alleged homosexual proclivities came as a big surprise to his constituents, has retained a high-profile attorney, Tom Mansfield, to represent his interest in an ordinance violation he earned about a week ago under the “Welcome to Caseyville” sign not far from a bar where he ostensibly was with a local homosexual man, J. Ian Stennett. The two were caught by a local cop “engaging in sexual activity,” this being unspecified (although we’re learning more, like the fact that Stennett’s clothing was “undone,” leading to things most of us normal people really don’t want to think about) in Kellerman’s personal vehicle, and were cited for public indecency….something anyone else would likely pay the fine over and just blow off.
But, not for Kellerman…because he’s an elected official, and is “performing” on the taxpayers’ dime, whether Mansfield thinks he is or not.
See, Mansfield apparently issued a public statement today, wherein he said “What’s this charge got to do with his job?” and made another remark, to the effect that “the law requires you to distinguish between public and private lives.”
I’d like to see that “law,” Tom. Because with LAW, it makes no distinction at all…we’re ALL level, according to that Lady Justice thingie with the blindfold over her eyes, you know, the one Obama’s been trying to not only remove the blindfold of, but completely disrobe and disgrace? And it looks to me like you’re right on it.
See, when you hold a position of public trust (elected, appointed, hired, no matter…if you’re receiving a check from peoples’ tax money, you’re there), you should be held to a higher standard. Especially if you’re a sheriff or other kind of officer. Why? Because why would they cut YOU, the common taxpayer, any slack? Any John Doe off the street, if caught blowing J. Ian Stennett in a car—whether the car belongs to John, or to the taxpayers of another county—is going to get a public indecency citation. And their name in the paper. And if they happen to be an elected official….the whole thing written about in Disclosure, and any other damn place any journalist will choose.
Add to it that Kellerman is reportedly married, with two kids, and a very public job….and there just isn’t a whole lot his “years of service” to his community can do to negate being caught with another man in a compromising position IN PUBLIC. The public isn’t that forgiving. The public wouldn’t be given that kind of reprieve. You start getting shouts of “favoritism”…and that calls for a more stern handling of such a case.
Whether Kellerman was caught with a man, a woman, a poodle…it makes no difference. We aren’t a society of “haves” and “have-nots” when it comes to the laws of the land, Tom, despite what you may want to put out there as spin control…but hey, that’s probably why the sheriff hired you.