Here are your print headlines for the current issue of Disclosure, on stands beginning November 28 and continuing through Nov. 30 until all deliveries are complete. The current issue is the December issue, and will only be on stands three weeks, as we’re on a shortened schedule for the month of December due to another awesome project we’ve begun and which will be announced shortly, so get out and pick up your copy while it’s still on stands!
The headline is preceded by a dateline (what county or city the article is from) and a brief synopsis.
SALINE CO.—Federal civil rights suit filed against county—Allegations of racial discrimination emerge from the courthouse and DK Brown’s administration.
OLNEY—Murder charged in shooting death—This is the story the Earp fans have been fearing and the rest of us have been waiting for: a reliable source contacted us last week about what REALLY happened in the early morning hours of Nov. 20 when Scott Earp was killed by a single gun blast.
FLORA—Dentist’s death prompts questions—Richie Morray….& the officials are sticking to their story that the body was NOT mutilated.
BRIDGEPORT—Mayor’s high-speed comeapart—Mad Max Schauf, getting madder…& not angry mad, but Mad Hatter mad…& it shows.
LAWRENCE CO.—Arrest underscores budget problems—A stunning tale of just how resources are being used in Lawrence County regarding the sheriff’s department….and this on the heels of the budget talks that have been more like budget arguments and crabbing….
SALINE CO.—Cases proceed against prosecutor’s grand-nephew and friend busted with dope—Darrick Sandifer and BJ McBee have now both been officially charged.
CLAY CO.—Mom who drove with son on car reaches plea agreement with court—Jill Meeks gives it up on trying to convince the court that she’s bipolar and was having flashbacks when she tried to kill her kid.
EDWARDS CO.—Lengthy probation in violence cases—State’s Attorney Mike Valentine brings the hammer down.
JASPER CO.—Child sex offender was living near park—Lots of that going on lately.
LAWRENCE CO.—Mother/daughter team of dopers continue plague—We’re beginning to think Fallon Nyhof is psychotic.
RICHLAND CO.—Busted for selling alcohol to minors, again—Andy Hires ignores signs of underage drinking out in the county. At the same spot. Repeatedly. And Bill Mudd is a jerk.
BRIDGEPORT—City alderwoman owes hundred$ in water bills; living outside city limits—Out of the county, too, incidentally.
RICHLAND CO.—Inept attorney ‘continues’ to clog wheels of justice—Our two favorite local attorneys, featured right here.
SALINE CO.—Drunk tells cop to let him go during DUI stop—Doug Harner, endangering the good folks in ‘rado and beyond.
RICHLAND CO.—Prosecutor let thug family run rampant—The story of how the Earp boyz went from punk juvenile crims to terrorizing the county, courtesy state’s attorney David Hyde.
SALINE CO.—Cat-fight featured in violence run-down—Combo of some of the violence certain Saline residents are alleged to have perpetrated against others.
FAIRFIELD—Small claims suits for schoolbooks: good idea, or juvenile hazard?—Yep. The former principal is cracking down; he wants those books back, or he wants the money.
RICHLAND CO.—Crim variety pack features forgetful sex offender—A roundup of some of the more repetitive crims in Richland.
WAYNE CO.—Man charged with stalking rural family—This is a weird story. And if it were up to me to make an assessment, I’d say there’s something more going on than just what’s in the OP request.
SALINE CO.—Marriage between 50 and 70 year old on the rocks—Watch out for fat 50-year-old guys who go after 70-year-old ladies with social security monthly payments.
WHITE CO.—Routine traffic stop leads to dope arrest—I have just one question: what was the 42-year-old doing with the 18-year-old in his car?
GALLATIN CO.—Piles of dope found, but only misdemeanors charged—Derek Downs, squeaking out of a felony.
CLAY CO.—Charged in car theft from dealer—We don’t know how. We don’t know why. But we’d like to…& we wish Clay would be a little more forthcoming with their info.
SALINE CO.—Theft charges range from cigarettes and lotto to more than $50k cash from hospital—Lotsa alleged thieving going on in Saline; this is a roundup of it.
WABASH CO.—Conspiracies featured in drug roundup—Lotsa alleged drugging going on in Wabash and….well…you get the picture.
SALINE CO.—Funeral home heir and neighborhood drunk charge with another battery—The heir and drunk are actually one and the same.
HAMILTON CO.—Confidential sources(s) surface—Something spurious going on in HamCo….
WHITE CO.—Druggie claims he’s too doped to deal—Gut-busting story of a guy who claims, in a handwritten letter, that he was under the influence when he entered a plea agreement with prosecutor Scott Webb.
SALINE CO.—Charged with soliciting juvenile girl for prostitution while parents away—Good for the young girl, to call the authorities on this idiot.
GALLATIN CO.—Weapons, drugs and DUI fill police blotter—GallCo crim roundup.
HARDIN CO.—Sex offense suspect waives extradition—As well he should.
WAYNE CO.—Divorce includes DUI drugs and violence—There are two strains of Tondinis in Wayne County….the nice, well-behaved ones…and this one.
WHITE CO.—White pair busted for break-ins—You have to look real close to ascertain whether these two are actually females…and then there’s Landon.
WABASH CO.—Pair of arrests made in recent burglary cases—As it sounds.
CLAY CO.—Accused DUI driver facing civil suit in July death—Howard Weidner’s high-powered attorney trying to get the BAC test thrown out.

The little weirdo known as Brittany Barnbrook, altho she claims she's changed her name to Tessa Jo Garrard.... @_@
CRAWFORD CO.—Girl charged with sex count, man fights peace officer—A set of Crawford crim stories, including one about a young girl who has “changed her name,” ostensibly so people won’t recognize her as the one who molested a little girl.
LAWRENCE CO.—Lil big boss man seeks return of wages paid to employee—If we really needed evidence that Billy “PeeWee” Darnell is a dumbass….this is it.
WHITE CO.—Mystery deepens in regional superintendent’s ticket—We’re not understanding how this kid got out of this….but we’ve got another shot of the ticket, this one altered, by the court or the cop, from the original.
WAYNE CO.—Brothers charged with cutting man’s throat—Our one question is: What the hell was a guy from Franklin County doing in the boonie goonies of Wayne?
LAWRENCE CO.—Suspected burglars nabbed, failure to stop charged—Stupid crim time in Lawrence.
WABASH CO.—Plague of alleged underage drinkers continue in county—And some of them sound like they might be kids of illegals.
CRAWFORD CO.—Allison case proceeds to Illinois Supreme Court—Tom Wiseman, State’s Attorney in Crawford, doesn’t know when, but the county plans to try to uphold the state’s eavesdropping law.
SALINE CO.—Turner postponed AGAIN—Ricky Turner. Someone in prison with him just needs to take care of this piece of feces.
GALLATIN CO.—More financial woes for poor John B. Jones—The guy’s made it into an art form sponging money off anything and every body he possibly can, but Capital One says “nope. Don’t think so.”
JASPER CO.—Two popped for possession—Lil Jasper County story.
WHITE CO.—Grayville notable gets DUI—We don’t know if Kara Kuykendall is still working with GWRPC or not….but she now has been cited for DUI.
WABASH CO.—Charged with molesting teen—Lotta this going on in Wabash since Cassandra took over the prosecution.
SALINE CO.—Pocket -dialing 911 leads to meth arrests—Lenard Alfred “Buddy” Smock, dumbass.
EDWARDS CO.—Shady Beatty convicted of murder in two-day bench trial—Another win for prosecutor Mike Valentine and Judge David Frankland.
SO. ILL—Election roundup, pre-petition time: not many changes as yet—Coverage of who’s who in picking up petitions, which will become old news as of next Monday, Sept. 5, when petitions must be turned in and names go on the ballot.
HARDIN CO.—County board chair’s son tied to bomb threat—Wayne Eichorn has a drinking problem, and his neglect and coddling of his kid has lead to something uncontrolled.
SALINE CO.—Hefty DOC sentence comes courtesy of Raymond Moss—Coverage of the story we broke here on the website of perv Carl Russ, and how Raymonduh “helped” him.
SURLY & UNCOOPERATIVE: High priority mission aborted after lolli confrontation
ICY (which has come to be known in some sectors as “Icy Hawt” since we began running Ang’s pic): Living in the bowels of scum-per-capita-ville
PROSE & CONS: Silver tongues & dung beetle morals = Lobbyists
KEEPIN IT KLEEN: What is wrong with Southern Illinois?
Sees the truth of today’s “college educated”; Says Jasper County deputy operating without certification; Questioning Frank owning the Slave House; Operation Christmas Child underway; Says we’re missing it in White County; A good idea, perhaps, but suggested by cons? idk…;
No Back Over Your Tales this month, as this is the second paper for November and the December paper is only three weeks away.