OLNEY—We’ve just learned something interesting as regards the investigation into the shooting death of Michael Scott Earp, and we’re wondering about the veracity of it.
As regular readers may know, Earp died from a gunshot blast to the abdomen in the early morning hours of Nov. 20, after he reportedly initiated a confrontation with a Texas man, Brandon L. Jenkins, at the Super 8 Motel in Olney. Jenkins has been charged with a single count of First Degree Murder, which states that authorities believe Jenkins fired his weapon with the intent to kill Earp.

What the whole Burp crew probably did in their free time, when they weren't lifting weights, knocking up girls, beating incapacitated people, and gettin their MMA on
However, as with any Earp-instigated fight, Jenkins probably found himself cornered and outnumbered, as the Earps are known from initiating fights with people who are disabled somehow, weak, in no condition to fight (such as under the influence of alcohol), etc. None of those were the case with Jenkins; he was awakened from a sound sleep by his car alarm going off, went to turn it off in his truck, and found himself cornered by the MMA (mixed martial arts) Earp crew.
But we’re hearing there was something else.
According to reports we’re receiving, it appears there may have been another man on the parking lot of the Super 8 that night who was also being beaten by Earp’s crew (which included Chris Arteberry). In fact, it’s our understanding that prior to Jenkins retreating to the cab of his truck, he may have observed the Earp clan beating on yet another man…this one, reportedly, inside HIS vehicle.
This particular version of what happened that night is a new one, and those reporting it to us might have what allegedly happened to Jenkins getting confused with a similar incident happening to someone else. But what if it’s true? That means that there’s someone else out there who may know how the whole thing really went down, as opposed to the vagued-out and watered-down version the authorities are promoting. Already it’s a pretty sure thing that the tale we were given, and with which we opened the article’s discussion of the matter in this month’s issue, is how the whole mess may have started: with two amazonish girls duking it out on the parking lot. However, it was curious about what the Earp clan was doing there….and if there was someone else they were beating on before they started in on Jenkins, that would stand to reason.
So what we’re doing is this: we’d like to know what you know. We’d like to hear from you if you know if this ‘first beating’ is the case; if you were there; if you know the guy who might have been beaten; if you ARE the guy who was beaten. You can reach us confidentially at disclosurenewsonline@yahoo.com. We’re not sure what we’re going to do with this information yet; we’ll talk to you about it first and see. But this could be crucial to Jenkins’ case—if the cops have this info, and they’re not acting on it, then this is the kind of evidence needed to show that there is indeed something very untoward going on between authorities and the Earp clan…and this is something that EVERYONE needs to know. And don’t worry about the Earps coming after you just because you spoke out about it…they might look big and bad, but in reality they’re a bunch of pussies, who fight NO honorable fights, but instead pick on the weak or otherwise incapacitated…they talk big but a real man doesn’t go 3-on-1 and beat a drunk or a man with a broken hand or someone who doesn’t know what’s happening.
Let’s talk. Email us or send us a message on Facebook, and let’s get this going.