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CARMI, Ill. - Carmi Police Chief Jason Carter has announced that the department is going to be looking for a new K9, and he'd like the community's help in the fundraising.
Here's Chief Carter's information about the situation.
The City of Carmi Police Department is asking for the community's help in securing a new Police Canine for our Department. Our current K9, K9 Orest, came to our Department in July of 2012 after K9 Riley retired from service. Police canines usually have a service life of 6 to 8 years before retiring. Unfortunately, after almost 7 years of service K9 Orest will be retiring due to health reasons.
The City of Carmi Police Department would truly like to continue to offer the services of a Canine to our community. Canines are specially trained and can be used in many areas of law enforcement. These areas include officer protection, criminal apprehension, building searches, evidence recovery, crowd control, article/drug searches, tracking of wanted and missing people, and community programs. We feel that the availability of a Canine to our community is a huge asset to our citizens and department by aiding and assisting us with these types of crimes and calls.
The City of Carmi Police Department needs your help in continuing this service to the citizens. We are asking for your help with raising the funds to continue the existence or our Police Canine Program. The initial cost for the Canine is approximately $16,500. This cost includes the Canine as well as the training for the Canine and Handler and the State Certification. The Canine would be a full service Canine that would be trained in both drug work and search and apprehension as mentioned above.
The City of Carmi Police Department thanks those individuals and businesses that have assisted with this program in the past. For example, Brown's Feed Store has graciously provided dog food for our current K9 for several years now. Last year, The Roads Church donated proceeds from a 5K run. Those funds were used to purchase and replace a new ballistic vest for K9 Orest. We greatly appreciate the support of these businesses and hope future businesses and individuals see the positive benefits of continuing to have a full service K9 on our department to meet these needs.
If you are able to support our program in any way, all donation amounts are appreciated. Donations can be made in any manner and checks should be made out to the Carmi Police Department K9 Fund. These donations can be dropped off in person at the Carmi Police Department or mailed to the Department at 108 N. Main Cross St., Carmi, Ill., 62821. These donations can be tax deductible. If you need a receipt for your donation we will gladly get you a receipt for your records. If you have any questions about any donations or information about the program, please email or call the department at 618-382-4633.
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