ISP agents investigate cold case homicide of Kaylyn Whitaker

CLARK CO. Ill. - The Illinois State Police (ISP) responded to Danville,
Indiana on February 25, 2019, to investigate the 2014 cold case murder of Kaylyn Whitaker.
The case was solved overnight after the suspect called Danville Metropolitan Police Department in Indiana to confess.
On October 31, 2014, the ISP responded to a rural residence in
Martinsville, Clark County, Illinois reference the death of Kaylyn
Whitaker. During the investigation, suspicious circumstances led
Investigators to turn the case from the initial report of a suicide, to a homicide investigation.
On February 25, 2019, nearly four and a half years since the incident, Connor W. Scott contacted the Danville Metropolitan Police Department, in Hendricks County Indiana, to confess to the 2014 murder of his then-girlfriend, Kaylyn Whitaker.
Following an initial statement to Danville Metropolitan Police, ISP conducted an interview and received a recorded confession from Scott. Following the statement, Scott was detained at the Hendricks County Jail.
On February 25, 2019, an arrest warrant for Scott was issued with a
$1,000,000 bond. Charges for First Degree Murder and extradition to Illinois are pending.