CARMI, Ill. - A Carmi meth felon who's been off the radar for awhile popped back on to it early this morning after creating a ruckus that prompted multiple 911 calls...and got him toted off to the local hoosegow.
Carmi police report that the disturbance developed at 1623 SunnyBrooke St. in town this morning (Thursday, January 24) at the ridiculous hour of 2:29 a.m.
At that time, the disturbance resulted in multiple 911 calls from the residence, according to police reports.
Michael S. Boren, 38, of that residence, was arrested without incident and charged with Domestic Battery and Interfering with a Domestic Violence Report, this afte he became physical with residents and prevented the 911 calls from going through while the victims were calling police, this according to official reports.
While both counts were misdemeanors, Bore, who has a meth felony in White County from a few years back, remained behind bars at the city/county jail as of late this morning.