PALOS HILLS, Ill. - Apparently, what's going on in Palos Hills, a suburb of Chicago, doesn't fit the narrative to which mainstream media adheres when it comes to ever-increasing 'Arab communities' in America.
We say that because of the lack of MSM coverage of what's going on up there, which is, basically, a nightmare of ideologies: Certain Muslims think they are owed some kind of obeisance in light of harmless comments made by a township official that they're taking as 'offensive,' and other Muslims are coming to the township official's defense.
Here's a snip from the article featured earlier this week on Illinois Review:
The Facebook comments of a township trustee 18 months ago riled Chicago's southwest suburban Muslim community into demanding that trustee resign, but she has refused to step down. Since then, representatives from Chicago's southwest suburban Arab community have successfully stopped the township board from conducting public meetings.
When Hindu-American Hermant Patel learned about the continuous meeting disruptions, he gathered together friends that drove with him from Chicago's northwest suburbs to support Palos Township Trustee Sharon Brannigan.
On December 10th, when Patel and friends arrived at the meeting, representatives from the Arab Community of the South West Suburbs took over, including sitting in the trustees' board seats. Patel used his phone to video what went on, including his own reactions, "We support Sharon - we support democracy!"
“Believe me my friends, what we saw last night in Palos Hills is unforgettable," Patel wrote on a YouTube description of his clips. "Such an insult to our democracy. The disrespect that the protesters have demonstrated is beyond belief. Their behavior is a flashing neon sign for every American citizen to become aware. There is not even a glimpse of civil discourse.”
To read the rest (and view the absolutely unbelievable actions taken in the video), hit this link.