“I’m gonna open a Facebook page!!”
Because that’s the first order of business, you know. You just can’t exist in the world these days unless you have a FACEBOOK PAGE.
As you can see in the below screencap taken Monday, July 7, 2014 at 11:49 a.m., Todd Fort has joined the world, now that the convicted sex offender is off probation:
Shown holding a Bible in one hand with his arm around his teenage daughter Hannah, Fort’s all proud of his new Facebook page, probably since it’s a cleaner version of the one that got him into so much trouble in 2010.
Our sources in Saline advise that Fort is or is attempting to become a preacher, hence the Bible.
Where all that religion is when it comes to Fort’s inane lawsuit against Saline County prosecutor Mike Henshaw remains one of those religious mysteries, however; as far as we understand, Fort’s attorney, Darrell Dunham, is pursuing what Judge Mark Stanley has already thrown out of circuit court, this to the appellate court, for any possible redetermination.
We’ll keep you posted, as always, on any developments on that. Meanwhile, Harrisburg peeps, enjoy…you may think Todd’s turned his life around. We know first-hand he has NOT…he’s just gone from one extreme to another.