We get a LOT of correspondence around these here parts. Some of it makes it into print, most of it does not, primarily because it’s not signed and we can’t verify much of it, even about public officials, even though we do receive an inordinate amount of letters about private individuals (which generally NEVER runs, even if a name and phone number accompanies it).
A lot of times, public officials just have to get a tough hide and endure what it is the public says about them. But sometimes, as in the case of some of this nonsense, it’s just so over the top that we simply don’t run it because…well, we’re embarrassed for the letter-writer.
But that’s not the case with these three examples that have come in the mail over the past week or so.
I’ll type out the letters below their pdf here, just so you can read them, as a couple are largely illegible.
Letter 1, received shortly after delivery (February 16):
It reads: “I would like to know what dictionary to use when defineing some of the vords and phrases you use in your news rag. For instance your news rag uses the term pervert very loosely. I would bet $50.00 your editor could not come up with the correct deffinition of it. (Pervert) An example I could use is why would the Holy Spirit, Father impregnate a virgin 14 year old girl which was called an Imacculate Conception? She is now the well known Mother Mary and the sin is the Son of God being God we now worship.”
My first comment would be: Hey! I’ll take you up on that bet and raise you $50, because my editor is my wife, who is a walking thesaurus!! I ran it past her as soon as I opened this letter, without telling her what it was about, and she rattled the Webster’s definition (spelled right) immediately….albeit with a jaundiced eye as to why I was even asking. Don’t EVEN try to take issue with her on spelling, grammar, definitions, etc….there’s a reason why this woman is a published author and I’m still just a publisher. And for God’s sake don’t ever play Scrabble with her…the woman’s just vicious.
My second comment to Arthur would be: In my honest opinion, dude….by ANY definition, you are going to Hell. And good riddance to you. NEXT.
Letter #2, received earlier this week (Tuesday, I think):

White County prosecutor T. Scott Webb, who has proven to be one of the most capable state's attorneys in Disclosure's 16-county coverage area
I won’t type this one out, as it’s a little more legible than the previous. However, I must say…I felt like I was at a tennis match reading this letter. “Scott Webb is great!” ”No, he’s a jerk!” ”I lurv Scott Webb!” ”No I don’t, he’s a PRICK!” I’m certain the writer was trying to make a point. However, she failed (she could take lessons from my wife on how to write effectively, but I doubt Ang would have anything to do with this trash). She may have been trying to say that WE’RE the ones who are schizo, as in, first we didn’t approve of White County prosecutor/judicial candidate Scott Webb, now we do. What she missed was that while we were on Webb’s case in 2008, that changed when in 2009 we watched him handle the very serious case of child molester Tyler Wolf—and gave him props for it. It’s been all uphill from there, and therefore, this is NOTHING NEW. Yes, we support Webb for judge. He’s extremely capable. But it has nothing to do with anything other than job performance…and if this naysayer is too stupid to do her own research and find that we changed our outlook on Webb THREE YEARS AGO, she DESERVES a judge like Rhonda Blades. Just sayin. Oh, and the reference to the Lindsay Williams case...? Tacky. Extremely, mentally-deficient-ly tacky.
Here’s the last, received yesterday:
“The Wanderer” (NOT Denny Reese, we’re pretty sure…he at least has some sense) says: “Disclosaur Is crime so scarce in Harrisburg so the cops have nothing to do but investigate some naked kid. You know, the reason sex crimes are so high is because of religious people empheses is on and of what they claime is dirty sex and whats bad about the naked body. People before religion, wore animal skin in order to keep warm. Now we wear close to cover up what we consider to be our shame and our sin or vise versa. Arent’ any of you disturb by religions prying into people lives and their intrussions of lives and they telling us what we can do with our supposed own bodies. The religions first act of its inception was to takes charges of mans peter and tell him what he could do with it. When the catholics took over the jewish religion. They had their laws of sex and mans peter enforced by their police. That’s what the protestant done when they took over being the law and the religion of the USA. They had the state and municiple and Federal government enforce the laws of the protestant church. That’s why we have more people (men) in prison because of what he did with his peter, (of himself), than for any crime a person should be put in their fore. Now we are going to put people in prison, charging them for murder, for using a condom. (signed) The Wander Don’t sign my name for fere the cops will come after me”
Ooooooookay. No comment needed. Other to say that while I am vehemently opposed to casual use of mind-altering pharmaceuticals as prescribed by psychiatrists who are merely supporting Big Pharma, in some cases, those meds might help. I would opine that this is one of those cases.
So there ya go. We attribute it to the moon phase, coupled with fluoridation. Choose your own reasons as to why we got these; there are three more we have on hand that are longer, hence not featured here, but no less bizarre. We may or may not run them in the next print version, on stands in a couple of weeks (March 14)….so be sure to pick up a copy.