SALINE CO.—The staying power of the Moss family in Saline County is legendary….and Winifred L. is making sure he’s living up to the reputation.

Winifred Moss, left, during the Tim Monroe trial two years ago this month. Yes, it all cattywompus. I shot it from the hip, as often happens at the Saline County Courthouse.
Winifred, 53, was indicted in the grand jury roundup April 2010 on multiple drug delivery charges, including cocaine. He was set to go to trial today, February 8. However, that’s been postponed.
Because someone(s) in his family was/were able to rustle up the $15,000 needed to spring his butt from the Saline County Detention Center where he’d been sitting for a year and a half (he was released this past September 2011), all in the name of getting him back out on the streets so he can find his own attorney and get a good defense going. Right. Fifteen GRAND. We won’t talk about the speculation going on about how THOSE funds came to be….nor how ten grand, probably, will be ponied up for a criminal defense lawyer.
All we know is that he fired Todd Bittle, his public defender, and is now on the search for someone to defend his hiney when he goes to trial…which, in this case, is an unknown date at this time, with a pretrial conference set for Feb. 24 to see “how things are progressing.”
We hear his family (minus Raymond Moss and a couple of other Moss-offshoots still jailed on various grand jury indictments of their own) has been attempting to secure Morgan Scroggins, attorney from Granite City, to defend Winifred….and we hear Scroggins has reportedly run screaming in the other direction, as Winifred has so many pending drug indictments and such a plethora of evidence against him that it’s too heavy even for him. Beyond that, we don’t know who exactly the family is interested in positioning for the next Moss defender. But when we find out….we’ll let ya know.