CLAY CO.—The Earp brother with the strange name has once again been popped with traffic citations, the likes of which he escapes unscathed every time he’s stopped in Richland County…but this time, it’s not in Richland County.

The Earp Boyzz, Flavius Doug (you can always tell him by the perpetually prissy expression on his face) and the deceased Michael Scott, proving once and for all time they were more brawn than brains.
Flavius Doug Earp, 25, of Olney, was busted three days ago (Sunday, January 8th) in Clay County when an alert police officer spotted something amiss and pulled the pugilistic punk/MMA ‘fighter’ over. Upon assessing the situation, the officer determined that Flav (who used to insist people call him “Doug,” but apparently that’s all changed now) was operating a motor vehicle uninsured (or at least wasn’t bright enough to tote proof of insurance with him) and not restraining a child (presumably his, although because those in that family begin breeding early and often, it’s impossible to ascertain until we are able to view court documents).
This is a common occurrence in Richland County, where Flav Earp is constantly being stopped for various and sundry reasons (squealing tires, bumping into peoples’ motorcycles, drive-by rock-throwings) and discovered to be driving sans insurance and generally a host of other traffic infractions to accompany the charge.
However, in Richland, Earp gets out of these without any kind of pain to his wallet or his driving record, thanks to prosecutor David Hyde, whose permissiveness when it comes to the Earp crew has come to be noticed—and questioned—by the public at large now, ever since the death of Earp brother Scott back in November 2011.
Whether Earp will get out of these new citations in Clay remains to be seen. Prosecutor Marilyn Brant runs hot and cold with career criminals from other counties, so it may very well be that Earp could merely pay a fine and be done with it. However, given his perpetual criminal history, there exists the possibility, albeit slim, that Marilyn might just be of a frame of mind to slam Earp with the max she can give him, especially if he REALLY doesn’t have any insurance (which acquaintances of his are insisting he generally doesn’t.) Not like Flav has a whole lot of money to throw around, as he continues to refuse to pay his rent, yet somehow, he escapes from this situation generally unscathed as well. Why this is even an issue with him remains a mystery, as he lives in taxpayer-subsidized housing anyway. Yes, that’s right, folks…you and I are paying for this moron to have a place to live.
In the meantime, Texas man Brandon Jenkins remains jailed, indicted on a lesser charge of murder than what Richland prosecutor David Hyde wanted him charged with, following the shooting death of Earp-brother Scott Nov. 20. Jenkins’ next court appearance is Jan. 20, which is after the next issue…so be watching the website for any developments in that case, although for now, the latest interesting matters with it will be featured in the next print version, on stands beginning January 17.