SALINE CO.—Just a few months ago, Brittany Lane was Chris Schimp’s newest toy, and was provided a house in a remote area of the state and everything she could possibly want in order to keep a married rich guy happy while he was away from his home in Saline County, his wife, and family.
Now, the Brittster, who isn’t yet divorced from her own Illinois State Police trooper hubby, has already moved on from the happy little relationship that broke up her marriage to Brett Lane and has apparently disrupted the life of someone else, judging by the pics on Nick Ande’s Facebook. We don’t know who this guy is, but we feel sorry for him already.
Here’s the latest from the Brittster as regards social networking: a screenshot from her Facebook page, which includes a pic that’s posed to feature her apparently-surgically-enhanced ta’s, but is appropriate in venue (look carefully in the background and you’ll see a toilet and roll of tissue….nothing like those obligatory “I love myself” bathroom pics):

Not only are the ta's enhanced, but it looks like the teeth might've been digitally whitened, as well...
We know how the Brittster and her ex-sugar daddy Schimp HATE to see their names on here…so we thought we’d give them a little holiday cheer. And our advice to Ande (who looks like a Brett Lane clone, btw…)…? Run like hell, man.
Happy Turkey Day, everyone! We’ll be hard at work putting this next issue together…some incredible developments in the Earp shooting article as of today…you’ll have to pick up the next issue to see!