HARRISBURG, Ill. - The show is going on in Harrisburg when it comes to arrests, and there are familiar names on the marquee of those featured for the week of April 8 through the 14th, 2019.
Here's the report, as provided by Harrisburg PD, with appropriate hotlinks where applicable.
Henry Akins - Driving while License Suspended
Sirena Hardin - Driving while license suspended, Obstructing Identification, Possession of Methamphetamine

Radie Engleken - Saline County warrants (Probation violation and FTA)
Karleigh Boone - Battery
Steven Finley - Marion County warrant (FTA)

Alexander McWilliams - Saline County warrants (Attempted Murder and Aggravated Battery)
Christina Haddock - Mississippi County, Michigan, warrant (possession of controlled substance)
Joshua Capps - Theft under $500
Larry Billingsly Jr. - Domestic Battery
Margaret Holt - Saline County warrants (FTA and probation violation)
Brandi Agin - Saline County Warrant (FTA)

Zachery Thaxton - Possession of a Firearm by a Felon, Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Unlawful use of a Weapon
Terence Taylor - Theft over $500
James Mattingley - Possession of Methamphetamine
Jared Stokich - Assault (2 counts)
Ryan Williams - Obstructing/Resisting a Peace Officer, Driving under the Influence of Alcohol

Taylor Keef - Saline County warrant (probation violation)