CARTERVILLE, Ill. - Remember this article about this chick who thought it would be a good idea to make harassing and threatening phone calls to federal public officials...?
She's been sentenced as of the end of March, and somehow or another we didn't catch it.
But, we've caught it now, and so here's the report.
Jura L. Perkins, age not available, of Carterville, was arrested late October 2018 after making foul, vulgar, harassing and threatening phone calls to Illinois Senator Dick Durbin and State Rep Tammy Duckworth. And while their policies are definitely foul, vulgar and threatening to Illinoisans (and indeed the whole country), that doesn't give anyone the right to call their offices and make horrible suggestions such as "Go to hell you communist pig" and other, much worse statements...more than 200 calls in all, and all of them left on voicemail where there's a record for all time and posterity.
The apparently either vapid or disturbed Perkins was ultimately indicted by a federal grand jury on a single felony count of "Repeated Harassing Communications," and, after a competency hearing (that move made popular by Glen Ramey, which is what he pulled in order to get out of charges, claiming he was "too crazy," effectively, to stand trial), she was apparently found fit to stand trial in early January.
Whereas she had initially plead not guilty, in late January, she changed that plea to guilty and effectively threw herself on the mercy of the court (which would be no-nonsense judge J. Phil Gilbert).
The judgment of the court was made final a couple of weeks ago (March 27), and in that judgment was sentencing: Eight months in the Federal Bureau of Prison, to be followed by a year of parole.
Naturally, the "that girl ain't right" part of the sentencing wasn't explained in full, but astute readers can sort of figure that out from the "Special Conditions" part of the sentencing, which reads in part: "The defendant shall abstain from the use and/or possession of all alcoholic beverages. The defendant shall abstain from the use and/or possession of any other substances for the purpose of intoxication. The defendant shall not enter or patronize establishments where intoxicants are the primary item of sale, such as bars, lounges and nightclubs."
It also specifies that she shall participate in treatment for narcotic addiction and drug/alcohol dependence, which may require treatment in a residential halfway house. The feds are allowed to test her once a week for a year. She has to pay for all the costs of this, as well as whatever doctor's expenses may be incurred with it. Mental health services, including a mental health assessment and/or psychiatric evaluation, are also required, and at Perkins' expense. Along with that, fines in the amount of $2,500 have been ordered, with payment to begin immediately at $10 per month minimum or ten percent of her net monthly income, whichever is greater.
When this case first broke, some people opined that they believed Perkins' arrest and prosecution was a violation of her freedom of speech and expression. However, a person's rights end where another begins...and 200-plus vulgar, harassing phone calls to anyone, regardless of their loser policies, was where Perkins' rights ended.