MARION, Ill. – Apparently St. Patrick couldn’t keep a bunch of people from getting in trouble in the city of Marion this past weekend, as the luck o’the Irish just wasn’t there for the following folks, according to this Marion City Police report.
Dewey Lyell, 30 of Marion, has been issued a citation for Burglary from a Motor Vehicle in the 600 block of Tower Square on March 15.
Matthew Copeland, 39 of Carbondale, has been issued citations for Driving Under the Influence and Improper Lane Usage in the area of and Carbon St on March 17.
Dennis Brown, 46 of Benton, has been arrested for Possession of a Controlled Substance in the 2300 block of W Main St on March 17.
Jerimey Delander, 32 of Colp, has been arrested for Operating an Uninsured Motor Vehicle, Driving While License Suspended and Possession of Methamphetamines in the 2300 block of W Main St on March 17.

Amanda Cheek, 44 of Eldorado, has been arrested for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Possession of Methamphetamines in the 2600block of Vernell Rd on March 17.
Kenneth A Dawkins, 43 of Marion, has been arrested for Aggravated Assault and Unlawful Use of a Weapon on March 17.
Kayla Sadler, 34 of Marion, has been arrested for Disorderly Conduct in the 3300 block of W DeYoung St on March 17.
Damon Stahlhut, 48 of Marion has been arrested for 2 countsof Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Speeding, Possession of Methamphetamines and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia on March 17.