We've had just about enough of the virtue-signaling going on over the latest distraction in the news cycle.
I use that term because when covering the news, you cover NEWS. In NEWS, you get the who-what-when-where and occasionally (if you're good at what you do), the how and why.
But these idiot televised talking heads for the past day or so have been disingenuously NOT been telling you the WHO, let alone the truth about the WHY, when it comes to Christchurch, New Zealand, mosque shooter Brenton Tarrant. They're so obsessed with making you think that they're oh-so-virtuous that they "won't allow his name to be included in the report."
That's idiotic. And that's what mainstream media has become these days - idiotic.
The guy is sick, and every news outlet that refuses to state his name or run a photo of him (some that have run photos have blurred out his face, but not his inane gang-sign hand gestures) are playing into the guy's sickness.

It doesn't matter what group he shot or why. It was a religious organization, and the war against the world's religions is heating up, so that's all we need to know about the why. Who "inspired" him is immaterial as well. The guy was one of these idiot online gamer fanatics; need we say more? He came out the GATE messed up; that's all that needs known about a motive. Some MSM are trying to ascribe it to white supremacy nonsense as if this ONE GUY is indicative that there is a massive threat by the white supremacy dweebs. There's not; they're dweebs. We've written about their ridiculousness since 2003 (the inception of our paper) and the local klan in Edwards County supposedly headed up by Harv Fenton. Harv Fenton is a dweeb. He's not a threat to anybody (except himself, maybe). The man can't stop trembling long enough to shoot straight. Like most people we've ever heard of who consider themselves "white supremacists."

Many people are of the opinion that this is what I called it at the outset: a distraction. Some believe that many of these mass slaughters are planned. Who plan them, they can't say; just vague allusions. Distraction from what, you ask?
That one's easy. Just look at what's going on somewhere else in the world; something big, something that might impact YOU, the reader. There are a number of them. So someone plans the biggest, worst news story of all. Someone carries it out. Distraction succeeds. That's the premise, anyway.
Or, dude could just be one messed-up individual. If found guilty, he'll get what's coming to him, no doubt.
But use his name. Because to give him anonymity is playing into the (pick one): sickness, disingenuousness, conspiracy-theorist-ness, of it all. And all of that - ALL of it - is just stupid.