RICHLAND CO.—The character of the supporters of the Earp/Trout bunch can be summed up in this call from South Carolina, where we hear they only recently got phones:

Big bad Burp, doing what he did best: beating the shit out of people. Probably what would've happened to Brandon Jenkins if he hadn't had a gun.
We’re not sure what she’s taking issue with; we’re only reporting what we’ve learned from the brief input we’ve had from law enforcement sources. If she’s got a problem, she needs to take it up with the cops (speaking through their mouthpiece, the local paper)…and the eyewitnesses….and the televised reports...not us.
Just to reiterate: you can’t sue someone for “slander of character.” There’s no such thing. Slander is spoken untruth. Libel is printed untruth. We haven’t spoken anything, and we haven’t printed anything that’s untrue, and the stuff that’s being said by witnesses, even before it gets to a court of law, doesn’t have to be considered “untrue” even if it’s proven to be later on because everything we’ve published about what witnesses said has the words “allegedly,” “reportedly,” “said to be,” etc. And anything extraneous over that regarding the filth we believe the entire Earp/Trout bunch are is something that’s protected by the First Amendment—OUR OPINION, formed by YEARS of watching the Earps and Trouts get away with everything just short of murder.
So go ahead & try, Ms. Trout Ledford. Join Connie Greenwood, Mark Shaner, and countless other people who’ve threatened and have been laughed out of the offices of the attorneys they sought help from. And readers, feel free to contact Ms. Clueless and tell her where you got her number….and remind her of the old adage about pissing contests with people who buy ink by the barrel.