OLNEY—A Texas man is being held for his alleged involvement last night in a shooting that has lead to the death of a young Olney man.
Bradley L. Jenkins, 34, of Houston and supposedly in the area to hunt deer, has been charged with Aggravated Battery following an alleged shooting at two area men on the parking lot of the Super 8 motel (located to the west of Friday Night Lights), are Chris Arteberry, 24, and Michael Scott Earp, 23.

One of the two in question, Chris Arteberry on right, shown with another disgusting Earp, Flavius Doug, at Friday Night Lights, from Arteberry's Facebook page. We're working on getting a pic of the reportedly-deceased Earp, Scott.
Arteberry doesn’t have much in the way of criminal history, at least in Richland, but Earp is one of the repulsive Earp/Trout bunch who have all been in trouble in some capacity between Richland, Marion, Saline, Hamilton and unknown other counties where the family of troublemakers decide to alight. Earp’s most recent run-in with the law came back in April in Broughton, where he is charged with Aggravated Battery in the beating of a local man, Roy Kenneth Rector Jr. That case was recently set for jury trial in February.

Michael "Scott" Earp, MMA fighter, from his Facebook page, with Jammy Norena, left, and Amanda Floyd. Don't know if they're the ones in question, but we're hearing also that this shooting may have been over some girls.
However, it’s now been confirmed that Earp did not survive the shooting, so the Hamilton County charge will be a moot point come 8 a.m. Monday. This of course may spark a series of retaliatory actions on the part of the Earp/Trout bunch, depending upon whether or not they know who perpetrated the alleged shooting….so Richland Countians, be on the lookout. They always look for any excuse at all to create havoc criminally, and our illustrious prosecutor, David Hyde, is right behind them giving them passes in court, reducing their bond and largely overlooking their badness, all because they’re reportedly narks.
That might have been what brought on the shooting, as initially we’d heard it was “some random black guy” that popped up from out of nowhere, shot, then ran off. However, now that Jenkins is in custody, we know that it’s NOT a ‘random black guy.’ Typical of Richland County authorities, no one is releasing the details of the incident, including what lead up to it, which we’re hearing has to do with the two boys hitting or ramming into Jenkins’ truck on the parking lot, then mouthing off to him when he called them on it.
Keep watching….we’ll keep it updated as we learn more.