MT. CARMEL, Ill. - Mt. Carmel Police can’t seem to get a break from the repeatrepeatrepeat arrestees, and several have popped right back up at the beginning of the new year, 2019.
Repeat Prater

On January 9, Mt. Carmel Police arrested Justin K. Prater, 23, of Mt. Carmel after police stopped a vehicle in which was a passenger. The arresting officer knew Prater was wanted on a Wabash County failure to appear warrant and placed him under arrest. While searching Prater, police located a hypodermic needle on his person. Police transported Prater to the Wabash County Jail where he was cited for possession of a hypodermic needle and served the Wabash County warrant. Prater was held pending the posting of bond. Mt. Carmel Police were assisted by the Wabash County Sheriff's Office.
Small repeat (short on common sense)

On Jan. 11, Mt. Carmel Police arrested Chelse A. Wilkinson, 26, of Mt. Carmel after she was stopped by the Mt. Carmel Police. Police stopped Wilkinson after she was observed operating a vehicle in the 300 block of West Third Street. Police knew Wilkinson was wanted on a Wabash County warrant and placed her under arrest. Wilkinson was transported to the Wabash County Jail and during the in processing she was found to have hidden suspected narcotics in her bra. Wilkinson was served the Wabash County warrant, charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession of a hypodermic needle, and she was charged with bringing contraband into a penal institution. Wilkinson is being held pending the posting of bond.
Non-cabbie-paying repeat

On Jan. 14, Mt. Carmel Police arrested Brandon S. Rayborn, 28 of Mt. Carmel. Rayborn is accused of failing to pay a cab driver for a trip from Evansville to Mt. Carmel. The complainant advised when they arrived at the destination, Rayborn took off running without paying. Police located Rayborn in the 800 block of West Fifth and placed him under arrest. Rayborn did not have the means to pay for the cab so he was transported to the Wabash County Jail where he was charged with theft of services. Rayborn is being held pending the posting of bond.
No repeat, but Dom Batt charged

Also on Jan. 14, Mt. Carmel Police arrested Sarah A. Keenan, 48 of Mt. Carmel after police were called to the 600 block of Mulberry Street in reference to a domestic disturbance. Police arrived on scene and were told that Keenan struck a family member during an argument. Keenan was arrested and transported to the Wabash County Jail where she was held pending the posting of bond. Police were assisted by the Wabash County Sheriff's Office.
Pat ’n Britt repeat - meth charged
Then on Jan. 15, Mt. Carmel Police arrested two individuals on Wabash County warrants after they were accused of selling methamphetamine to a confidential informant working with the Mt. Carmel Police. Police arrested Brittny M. Byrns, 31, and Patricia L. Windle, 37, at their residence Tuesday afternoon after receiving information they wanted to turn themselves in to authorities. Byrns and Windle were arrested and transported to the Wabash County Jail where they are being held on $4,000 cash bond. Both subjects are charged with delivery of methamphetamine. Their arrest is part of an ongoing investigation being conducted by the Mt. Carmel Police Department.