For those who think that Disclosure has nothing to do but sit around all day trying to “ruin peoples’” lives and “sling mud,” they need to learn a little re-definition…and understand what it is we really DO.
We expose corruption. It doesn’t matter who’s being corrupt. It doesn’t matter if you’ve “known the guy all your life and he’s a good guy!” It doesn’t matter if he (or she) goes to your church. It doesn’t matter if he or she goes and reads the luminaria list at the Relay for Life every year, coaches your kids’ soccer team, volunteers at a local animal shelter, what have you. If he or she is abusing we the taxpayers, he or she is CORRUPT…and it will be exposed.
And we’re not the only ones doing it.
Statewide, there’s a movement on to uncover, expose, and remove, if possible, the corrupt from our government, and restore Illinois to a modicum of respect instead of allowing it to languish in the mire of the reputation as one of the most corrupt states in the nation. And now, we’re getting big exposure from it.
Adam Andrzejewski, who operates For the Good of Illinois, a non-profit group dedicated to restoring the state, has posted this today in an email blast that went out to hundreds of thousands:
Aggressive citizen action is giving Illinois a future…
“For the good of the people…”
All across Illinois regular people are helping restore integrity, transparency and accountability.
Here’s the recent IMPACT of volunteers and good government allies:
May 28, 2013: Issued a call for whistleblower help- We EXPOSED up to a $190 million dollar problem, No-Bid Illinois Obama Care Implementation, here.
June 8, 2013: In the Metro-East, the newly elected Belleville City Clerk STOPPED the IMRF pension of the “city attorney”, here.
June 26, 2013: In East-Central Illinois, the Edgar County Watchdogs forced the RESIGNATION of the Edgar County Board Chairman, here.
June 29, 2013: Champaign News-Gazette columnist Jim Dey used our “ Big Dogs Report” and data at wrote 1,100 words about the local manager of the bus system COSTING taxpayers over $400,000 per year, here.
July 8, 2013: In Southern Illinois, the Disclosure News online local newspaper forced the RESIGNATION of the Harrisburg mayor, here.
July 10, 2013: In Northern Illinois, Carrie Miller used our “Big Dogs Report” and QUESTIONED the $68,900 per month payments as “interim police chief” for the Village of Schaumburg. Read Daily Herald Article.
July 12, 2013: In Central Illinois, the Edgar County Watchdogs forced the RESIGNATION of the school board president in Iroquois County, here.
Please get involved- there are two ways to help:
1. Volunteer to be a Champion. Just respond to this email.
2. Help fund this volunteer effort. Please give $15, $25, $50, or $100 today.
Help us bring “A New Day” to Illinois.
My Illinois.
Founder, For The Good of Illinois
PS. Please consider an investment in our mission. Donate today to help us continue to Open The Books at all levels of Illinois government. Please give $15, $25, $50, or $100 today.
Please join Adam and the thousands of volunteers who are making a difference in this state. For the Good of Illinois is leading the way and giving inspiration to those who want the excessive spending, greed, graft and corruption in this state to STOP. It can be done. Click the link and learn how.