PALESTINE, Ill. - At Palestine's big Labor Day weekend fest - the Pioneer City Rodeo - imbibing a little bit is kinda the rule and not the exception...but driving after imbibing is still a no-no.
Especially on rodeo grounds.
Palestine Police Chief Jeff Besing reports that at approximately 7:00 p.m. last night (Sunday September 2), he was directing traffic at the Rodeo arena when he was alerted by a motorist who was arriving at the rodeo that the vehicle in front of them was showing signs of a possible drunk driver.
Wirts was transported to the Crawford County Jail where she was charged, processed and held pending a $325.00 cash bond.
Don't forget (because apparently the word is slow getting out, since we didn't take it to our now-defunct Fecesbook page) - We're no longer producing the print version, so you won't be getting anymore copies in the mail. We will be refunding all print subscribers over the next several months, so watch the mail for your refund....and use it to subscribe to our online version, which is in the process of getting reworked and will be rolling out very soon! If you're missing your Fecesbook fix of Disclosure...hey, we didn't like the idea of the CIA or any other alphabet agency having access to all our stuff, since MarkyMark Zuckered all of you with that exact thing, and we didn't want it done to us we signed up for and Check us out on both of those at the hotlinks on the names, and join us there. Say no to the Zuckering of America...and make a dent in MarkyMark's wallet.