WHITE CO., Ill. - Authorities are looking for three inmates who escaped this morning from the White County Jail in Carmi.
Sheriff Doug Maier said that at approximately 5:30 a.m., White County Corrections Officers advised that three inmates had escaped. A pipe was used to break a hole in the outside concrete block and brick wall. Outside video showed all three subjects running on foot down the alley at 3:05 a.m.

Zac Shock
The first of the three is the man charged with killing a relative in the fall of 2016: Zachery J. Shock, 24, is 5-foot-10, 175 pounds, has brown hair and blue eyes. He is formally charged with Aggravated Battery With a Firearm and Murder, out of Hamilton County.

Justin Bray
The second inmate is Justin M. Bray, 28, who is 6 feet tall, 185 pounds, with brown hair and hazel eyes. His formal charges are Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Resisting/Obstructing a Peace Officer, and Aggravated Fleeing or Attempting to Elude.

Johnny E. Tipton
The third is Johnny E. Tipton, 61, who is 5-foot-9, 200 pounds, with gray hair and blue eyes. He was under formal charges of Theft and Possession of Stolen Property.
If anyone in the public has information on the whereabouts of these subjects, contact the White County Sheriff's Office at 618-382-5321 or your local law enforcement agency. These subjects are considered dangerous; do not attempt to approach them.