US DISTRICT CT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ILL.—It’s all over for Raymond Martin compadre John Robinson.
The man who was said to have been shuttling dope, money and weapons from drug gangs in Chicago the likes of the Latin Kings and Gangster Disciples to points south—like Gallatin County—for former sheriff Raymond Martin has been sentenced in U.S. District Court in Benton as of today.
Robinson, 57, of Equality, charged with Possession of Firearm by a Felon in federal court earlier this year, was originally given a sentence of 180 months in federal prison when he entered a plea July 18 of this year.
But sources have advised Disclosure today (11.04.11) that Robinson was given a 50 percent reduction in sentence for his “cooperation in the Martin case.”
What exactly that means for Raymondo’s upcoming appeal remains unknown at this time….but it’s a pretty sure bet that if the man gets a new trial on appeal, he’s going to be as sunk as he was on the first one if Robinson has been telling the truth to the feds about his dope-running activities with the former sheriff….and maybe, just maybe, with others in Gallatin County who have been involved in aspects of the drug trade there for YEARS….others the likes of which most folks wouldn’t believe would be involved in such a thing because they’re ‘fine upstanding citizens’…just like, five years ago, no one wanted to believe that what Disclosure was writing about the sheriff was TRUE.
But it was. And we’re here to tell you, if what we’re hearing about Gallatin is the case, there may yet be plenty of heads to roll.
We have the Southern Illinois Drug Task Force, lead by the inimitable Glenn Rountree, to thank for this sentencing and ongoing investigation, as their work, along with agents from the Illinois State Police, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, has been invaluable in turning up what most certainly can be considered ongoing drug conspiracy in southernmost Illinois. Here’s hoping we hear more about the SIDTF’s work, and soon.
More about it as we get it….in the meantime, we’ll keep an eye on where Robinson is going to have to park his carcass for 90 months, and bring that update to you as we receive it.

The "Dream Team" from the Raymond Martin case...& we're not exaggerating; their work on the matter was nothing short of amazing. Prosecutor James Cutchin is in front, standing next to U.S. Attorney Stephen Wigginton. In back l-r, are U.S. Marshal Don Slazinik, ISP's Ron Almaroad, Dept. of Treasury's Scott Lindauer, ISP's Mike McConnell, ISP Msgt John Lewis (obscured by Wigginton), DEA's Dave Gourley, ISP's Tom Oliverio, and Rountree.