UPDATE 1: Sources close to the family have informed us that Mike Talkington had been in the company of two individuals who dropped him off at his brother’s house in the 500 block of Bruddick Street, Edorado. The pair went back to pick him up and could not find him. Out of concerned they entered the home and woke his brother Jimmy and they began a search. He was found by his brother hanging in a nearby tree. His brother believed him to still be alive and climbed the tree but was unable to reach him. EMS arrived on scene a short time later and Talkington was unresponsive.
ELDORADO—Authorities have confirmed that emergency medical services responded to a location in Eldorado this morning, Thursday, May 16, 2013.
Upon arrival, sources indicate Mike Talkington was found hanged in a residence on (conflicting accounts; bear with us) either Dillard Street or Briddick Street in Eldorado; NOT Newton Street as originally reported. We’re looking into the confusion with the locations right now, as authorities are saying something different than unofficial sources are conveying.
Sources said the incident either took place or at least was discovered at approximately 4-4:30 a.m.
Talkington, said to be in his late 40s-50s.
Check back for further details and updates as information comes available.