SALINE CO.—Sources indicate that Doc Collier, owner of the Saline County Ambulance Service director of the Hardin County ambulance service—and the man at the center of a recent battle between his ambulance service, the Harrisburg based MedForce ambulance service—is said to be “up to his old tricks tonight.”
According to emergency medical service sources, Collier sent the one and only ambulance in Hardin County out on a non-emergency transport run, leaving Hardin County uncovered if there happened to be an emergency 911 call.
Sources say that call came in at approximately 10 p.m. Thursday, March 14.
The nature of the emergency call is unknown.
What is known is that Collier, after leaving Hardin County uncovered in an emergency, sent one of his Saline County ambulances from Harrisburg screaming to Hardin County in response to that E-911 call.
Whatever the nature of the call, those in need will have to wait for an ambulance coming from the Harrisburg/ Saline County area and NOT from Hardin County.
During a recent meeting of the Saline County E-911 Board, Collier told board members that this situation rarely happens.
“Actually,” said one of Collier’s critics, “this happens all the time.”
Disclosure staffers keeping an eye on the situation said that Collier was recently warned by the Saline County E-911 Board that if he pulls one if his ambulance rigs from Saline to respond to any emergency in an adjacent county (thus leaving Saline County not fully covered), he would be in violation of their agreement.