Alright…another year is upon us…and just for you, we opted to do a paper at year’s end, meaning that for print subscribers, you REALLY got your money’s worth, since the $43/$47 rate applies to a 12-issue year, but special editions—up to four a year—are a bonus for you! And of course, they’re also a bonus for e-Edition subscribers, who for $5.99 a month get access to everything we’ve ever produced (until archiving begins, here in just a couple of weeks). No matter which way you look at it, 16 issues in a year is a good deal…and that’s what we’ve done by bringing you this one, called the January 2015 edition since January and 2015 are coming up Thursday.
So here we’re going to tell you what’s in this issue…an array of amazing articles, in-depth coverage of some pieces we’ve featured here at the site, and lot, lost more…in THIS MONTH’S PRINT HEADLINES.
Print headlines are a quick way for you to access the article if you have an online membership to the e-Edition, simply by clicking the headline link. If you’re a print reader, they give you a preview of what’s in store for you when you get your copy in the mail or go to pick up one at your favorite vendor. Print headlines are presented by dateline (the location where the material in the article took place or is pertinent to), headline link, then synopsis; they’re laid out by section (page 1, back page [second front page], pages 2 and 3, features on pages 12 and 13, Egypt, Heartland, Central and Op-Ed). And now without further ado, here are THIS MONTH’S PRINT HEADLINES!
LARAMIE, Wyo.—Charged with sex crime out west: Jordan McGuire. Can the situation with him and his alleged sexual proclivities get any worse? Many have asked, and the answer is…yeah. We obtained the charging documents and police reports from the latest…and it’s pretty bad. If you think you’ve read everything there is to read about McGuire, you’re mistaken….you’ve GOT to read this.
SALINE CO./U.S. BANKRUPTCY COURT, BENTON—Former mayor files bankruptcy: I believe there was a certain publisher about two years ago who was saying that Eric Gregg is nothing but trash in nice clothing. I believe the latest filing in federal court proves just that. Good god, Eric…I make less money than you do, owe more debt, and I can pay MY bills…why the hell can’t YOU?
CLAY CO.—City, officer, sued after 2013 wreck: About a year ago, Flora’s Assistant Police Chief Guy Durre had an accident out on 50 that hurt him pretty badly. A few days ago, a lawsuit was filed in the case. Guess who sued? Hint: It wasn’t Guy.
ST. FRANCISVILLE—Toll booth woes at Wabash bridge: The big buzz in St. F was the reduction of hours (and subsequent restoration of them) of a long-time toll booth operator. We researched the situation…and St. F residents are probably not going to be real happy with what we found.
MARION–Local realtor among filers for Marion mayor: Every four years, someone challenges too-long-in-office Bob Butler. Every four years, the challengers lose. This year, however, could be a different story. Check out this article, which is featured in large part on page 12 (lead-in is on page 1, which is why it’s here in the lineup).
RICHLAND CO.—Dope felon charged with meth delivery: David Stremme, like a lot of dopers or otherwise-criminally-inclined (like the Urps), know to keep their bad habits in Richland County, because as long as they do, they’ll keep getting away with it courtesy David Hyde. Stremme made the front page this time…maybe because he really wants some help (and can’t make it our of Richland to offend so that someone will issue some meaningful punishment to him).
SALINE CO.—Bank teller arrested over missing money: A gal at a prominent bank in Harrisburg has been charged with allegedly swindling a WHOLE LOT of money.,..more even than what Shawn Gregory got last year in the robbery. See how much, and who it is, in this article.
WILLIAMSON CO.—White Co. man hemmed up on sex counts after social media hookup: This guy from Norris City needs help. Hopefully, the court system in Williamson will get him some. This article is a more detailed version of the one we ran here at the site when the story broke; don’t miss it.
WAYNE/CLAY COs.—Backwater death of Wayne man with Clay ties still under investigation: Tom Sharp’s body was found in a drainage ditch outside Golden Gate in Wayne County just a couple of weeks ago. There was quite the effort to find him when he was reported missing…but was it enough? You decide, after you read this.
EDWARDS CO.—Wabash County man charged in Edwards County on sex crimes: There was a lot of railing on social media against not only the coverage of this incident, but over the way dude was charged and how the charges read. See what all the fuss is about by reading this back page article.
SALINE CO.—Anna Bixby Women’s Center: Racial motives threatened in horseback riding grant scheme: The continuation of the saga of Anna Bixby Center, which is currently under grand jury investigation by Illinois’ Attorney General…and you’re not going to believe what has turned up since last month.
SALINE CO.—Eldorado teen charged with criminal trespass, battery: Crim roundup from ‘rado involves violence and crimes against property.
GALLATIN CO.—Police say New Haven man beat minor child: The GallCo crim roundup (such as it is; seems like this last month, GallCo has been fairly quiet for the season.)
Tech Talk—StingRay, FishHawk, Gossamer: Spying by any other name is still SPYING: Have you been keeping up with our Tech Talk columns? If not, you’d better catch up….you need to know what, where and how “authorities” are using on you to find out who you talk, text, message, chat….and if you don’t think they are, then there’s really no hope for you. Just skip this part and go on to read about your favorite doper.
HARDIN CO.—Hard times befall former Hardin County public officials? Looks just that way: What is it with all the current or former public officials having a hard time paying their bills?? Read this article…there are a couple of em in here that are going to surprise you.
HARRISBURG—No truth in taxation hearing; 5 percent tax levy passes anyway: We did the math backwards and forwards, every which possible way, and yep…Harrisburg passed a 5 percent tax levy without truth in taxation hearing (which must be held if the increase is over 4.99 percent). As you might have guessed, we’re a little too busy these days to file a lawsuit in the local court, like we did last year over Cottage Township. But hey…strange things can happen. Keep watching.
SALINE CO.—County faces tax revenue problems, almost falls down on truth in taxation: And then, right about the same time Harrisburg was screwing up their tax levy, the county board almost did it, too. One former county board member, however, pulled the county out of the fire. Read about that right here.
SALINE CO.—Marion woman, Carrier Mills man and the stolen vehicle: Crim report out of Saline outlining crimes against property.
SALINE CO.—Ridgway man living in Carmi charged with pills: Lots of crossover once again this month; this would be the first of many.
HARDIN CO.—Deer hunting citations include one man disallowed in Hardin County: Those damn deer. Screwing things up for drivers hither and yon…and giving IDNR something to do to bump up county coffers. Oh and by the way: Don’t bait. Or you could be prohibited from your buddy’s private property.
HARDIN CO.—Hardin prosecutor takes on butter knife case: The crimes against persons in Hardin County continue to get weirder as Tara-ble Wallace continues to show she can’t prosecute her way out of a wet paper bag. This instance is another that will become legend among the anecdotal tales of her non-doings.
SALEM—Comedienne seeks office of mayor in Salem: Do you know who Sarah Boyles is? More and more people are finding out, which is a good thing in two worlds, both of which she’s
EDGAR CO.—Paris ‘resident’ is also a ‘resident’ in another state…and taxpayers are footing that bill: Want to read a stunner? You’re not going to believe this one…and yet it’s true. We have the tax documents. They don’t lie. But apparently…someone on the public teat DOES….and her name is Kay Holloway.
JASPER CO.—Jasper County club sued over video gaming terminal issue: Another surprise story coming at ya out of Jasper County, specifically, Newton and the Eagles club, where the people contracted to provide video game terminals have filed a lawsuit against the club. Read this article to find out how detailed this really is.
MARION CO.—Country/rock band front-man now sex offender and smearing the victim: Here’s an unbelievable-but-true story about a kid out of Odin who, because he’s in a band (such as it is), he thinks his needs prevail over those of his 13-year-old victim in a sex assault dating back to almost two years ago, and which was settled by a plea agreement in mid-November. You’re going to want to check this out…his band’s playing a New Year’s Eve gig locally (Robinson, we’re hearing).
CRAWFORD CO.—Robinson roomies charged with making meth: Drug crimes are alive and well and allegedly in operation in Crawford County.
JASPER CO.—Gender confusion in case of delivering alcohol to minors, animal cruelty: Another one of those stories where the prosecutor puts a typo into the charging document, making it confusing for all involved; plus, other Jasper County crims charged over the past several weeks.
CRAWFORD CO.—Five Hoosiers sentenced on methamphetamine charges: Vincennes residents apparently traveled across the state line and ended up in Crawford County, where they were duly busted with an assortment of alleged meth materials.
MARSHALL—Resigns position: Remember Bev Church, the ward alderman in the city of Marshall who doesn’t live in her ward (or even in the state, according to tax records)? Yeah…she’s got an excuse for that. But she resigned her position on the board, nevertheless…this coming after the team of Illinois Leaks (formerly Edgar County Watchdogs) busted her out.
CRAWFORD CO.—Crawford trio charged in Flat Rock burglary: Apparently, the alleged burglars don’t get very far in Crawford County.
WHITE CO.—Cross-country golf cart getaway lands Crossville man behind bars: Every once in a while, some of the crim stories coming out of the files are entirely too amusing for just an old, boring headline. This would be one of those.
RICHLAND CO.—Olney man accused of beating child: The Richland County crim report as it pertains to crimes against persons…this one happens to be against a child…one of those people that some folks have a tendency to forget is a person, too.
WHITE CO.—Jailed after threatening to cut women’s eyes out: WTH is going on with Norris City people recently? Have we had a tub of stupid dumped into the water supply? Good grief.
LAWRENCE CO.—Lawrence meth ring busted, authorities say more suspects’ names to be released—accused face 4-15 years behind bars: The meth never stops flowing in Lawrence. Recently there’s been a resurgence in the old meth crims coming to light and getting charged along with the new meth crims. This is opening up a whole new can of worms in the LC meth scene….and could bring about a whole new series of articles just like this one. Be watching.
CLAY CO.—Sex offender charged with not reporting address: You’d think that by now, everybody who’s a sex offender would get the clue that they need to report a change of address when they move, and who they need to make that report TO. Apparently…not this one.
CLAY CO.—Edgewood drug felon facing 6-30 year sentence: This Dietz guy was busted back in September. And after a more thorough investigation, another charge has been filed against him. Read what it is in this article.
HAMILTON CO.—Salem, Springerton won charged with DUI: If there’s going to be any county in the coverage area that has crim crossovers in it, it’s going to be Hamilton. It’s like the crossroads of EVERYTHING. Here, we’ve got a chick from Marion County (Salem) and another from White County (Springerton) getting hemmed up.
WABASH CO.—Pair busted in cannabis sting: And if there’s anyplace where the pot movers are going to get caught, it’s Wabash County. While we don’t support marijuana as a “drug” (in our opinion, it should be decriminalized), it seems to be THE thing to move in Mt. Carmel and surrounds….and the arrests and charges bear that out.
CLAY CO.— ‘Twas the season for theft: Crimes against property report in Clay County.
HAMILTON CO.—Traffic stop nets pair of methheads: Remember that “crossroads of the coverage area” reference above? Here’s another one in HamCo…and these peeps are from West Virginia.
WABASH CO.—Special prosecutor called in to punt theft case?: Any time you see David “Rollover” Rands’ name on a charging document, it’s a sure bet that there’s going to be the most limited of a prosecution…if anything at all. Rands is apparently cut from the same cloth as any and all prosecutors to have practiced in Richland County dating back DECADES: Chuck Roberts, Rands, Lisa Kaye DeSelms, and now David Hyde. We’re thinking there might be something in the contract of Richland County state’s attorney that prevents them from doing anything meaningful with real criminals, and busting/overcharging non-criminals. But I digress. Anyway, Rands has been called in to Wabash. Don’t know what Cassandra Goldman’s deal is…but this case will be done and over with quickly as a result, no doubt.
HAMILTON CO.—Johnsonville man facing HamCo. weapons charges: ….Need I bring up the “crossover” thing in HamCo again….? New slogan: Hamilton County, where crims go to get busted. This might be a good thing, actually, now that I think about it….
SURLY & UNCOOPERATIVE (Jack): Year-end house cleaning brings revelations
ICY (Ang): New law has a chilling effect on…pregnancy?
MINKUS INK (Bubba): A bolus of reality for the new year, Minkus-style
REDHEAD RAMPAGE (Lyndi): Estate sales and a “shocking” discovery
THE POWER OF OPINION (Paxton Powers): Powers takes a peek at the study of the ‘multi-symptom ignorant syndrome’
VOICE OF THE PEOPLE (letters): Benton paying perks for travel; Steroids, active shooter and drunk cops alleged in Harrisburg
BACK OVER YOUR TALES: From the pages of the January 2010 edition of Disclosure: Raymond Martin, wife Tina and son Cody all make the front page as they’re all charged in the conspiracy to commit murder for hire out of Jackson County; Ashley Wolf dies in Mt. Carmel; Ricky Dean Garner charged with murdering his girlfriend in Cisne; Seth Whalen busted for giving alcohol to minors; Lawrence, Wayne, Gallatin county sheriff’s races are the big stories for the upcoming election; Bethany Mendenhall and boyfriend Randall White busted in Albion on child abuse counts; Derek Blair’s case in Bridgeport, wherein he was beaten by punks at a party hosted by Max Schauf, remains unresolved; Crystal Hoy and Josh Nash are sentenced in their son’s death; St. F city worker Danny Bearden sentenced in Wabash County DUI; a former Albion City Clerk candidate and her husband have filed what might be a frivolous lawsuit in Edwards County court; Thad Parrott shoots up his house on News Year’s; Claremont miscreant David Storer charged with Christmas Eve battery; child molester Richard John Wolfe Jr. stopped on DUI; John B. Jones alleged funeral home funds filching deepens.