Statewide unemployment data is seasonally adjusted, which means any seasonal or regular patterns that affect workforce numbers are reflected in the statistics. Additionally, people who have dropped out of the workforce are not counted in the monthly jobless reports.

Of the 2,300 new jobs created, all but 300 came from the private sector. Manufacturing, which has been battered by job losses throughout most of 2014, led the state’s industries in job growth, posting a gain of 3,600 new payroll positions — though there were 600 more manufacturing jobs one year ago. The trade, transportation and utilities sector saw 8,700 jobs disappear, with most of the damage occurring in retail trade.

More from IDES:

In November, the number of unemployed individuals declined -7,900 (1.8 percent) to 421,000. Total unemployed has fallen -332,500 (-44.1 percent) since the unemployment rate peaked at 11.4 percent in January 2010. The labor force grew by +16,500 (0.3 percent) to 6,547,000.

The Illinois unemployment rate was 9.7 percent in November 2013; the national unemployment is currently 5.8 percent.

Industry Sept-14 Oct-14 *Nov-14 Over-the-Month Change
Total Nonfarm 5,858,300 5,856,100 5,858,400 2,300
Mining 10,000 9,900 10,000 100
Construction 204,000 203,300 205,400 2,100
Manufacturing 572,600 573,400 577,000 3,600
Trade, Transportation & Utilities 1,171,700 1,171,000 1,162,300 -8,700
Information 97,600 96,400 97,300 900
Financial Activities 369,800 368,300 368,800 500
Professional and Business Services 909,700 909,500 910,900 1,400
Educational and Health Services 885,400 888,900 889,100 200
Leisure and Hospitality 547,500 548,800 550,700 1,900
Other Services 255,400 255,000 255,000 0
Government 834,600 831,600 831,900 300
*November figures are preliminary.

“Key economic points in November show our economy continues to move forward. More people are working and re-energizing their job search and employers say they have vacancies to fill,” IDES Director Jay Rowell said in a news release. “We must continue to match the unemployed with current opportunities and identify the barriers that prevent workers from being hired.”

Click on the link below for the full press release.

IDES November Unemployment Report


NEXT ARTICLE: Top 15 new Illinois laws for 2015


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