AUGUST 31, 2014
FERGUSON, MO (KTVI)-There’s a call from Ferguson protestors that could have an impact on-your- holiday weekend. During the massive, but peaceful “National March on Ferguson” Saturday, demonstrators revealed a new plan for civil disobedience: halt highway traffic across the St. Louis area on Labor Day.
More than a thousand people took to the streets Saturday for the march. They shut down West Florissant Avenue, marching to the spot where Michael Brown was shot and killed three weeks ago, then to a park in Ferguson. It was there, in the rain, that the plan was thrown out by organizers. They’re asking everyone involved to drive onto highways around St. Louis at 4:30pm on Monday, Labor Day and stop their cars for four and a half minutes. The time frame is intended to symbolize the four and a half hours Michael Brown’s body was in the street after he was shot.
Organizers say this will just be the beginning of such disturbances.
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