Just thought we’d remind you of an anniversary.
It was three years ago this morning—May 18, 2009—that the feds walked in to the Gallatin County sheriff’s department, introduced themselves as being there to arrest then-sheriff Raymond Martin, placed him in handcuffs, and took him to a waiting vehicle, as we said three years ago, “right there in front of God and everybody.”
What blew everyone away at the time was that we had actually predicted that very thing in 2006 when we produced a two-part series of articles highlighting what locals had been telling us—that Martin had been involved in the drug trade for YEARS. Please feel free to hit the link and read the actual stories we published, the publication of which got our paper removed from two vendors in Shawneetown and one in Ridgway.
While the sensationalism of the arrest lasted for many months, and the subsequent arrest of Martin’s wife and elder son occurred in January 2010, nothing rivaled the actual verdict rendered September 21, 2010, when Martin’s case finally went to trial in federal court in Benton.
Still, things aren’t over.
Martin has appealed his verdict and life sentence (on two counts of using a weapon in the commission of a drug crime); so that’s not over. There’s been no resolution to Tina’s or Cody’s Jackson County charges, so that’s not over. And worst of all, the dope is still flowing through Gallatin, aided, no doubt, by the locals, about which Martin spoke when he was trying to convince a con in Jackson County jail to kill witnesses in his case….telling him he could “follow the Mexicans to Texas and back,” at which time the “mexicans” would be transporting large amounts of marijuana.
![martin back of van](http://www.disclosurenewsonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/martin-back-of-van.jpg)
Raymond Martin, exiting Jackson County's jail transport van, Jan. 2010....one of our most-used photos to date, as in....everyone in media grabbed this shot and used it as their own without giving us credit for it.
We didn’t see any subsequent arrests after that, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out just what Martin was talking about when he referenced that. Suffice it to say, Gallatin remains a dangerous place to live if you’re on the side of right. And as far as we know, there are still a lot of puckered assholes as regards the area farmers, who are wondering just when the feds are going to sweep in and do to them exactly what was done to Raymondo three years ago today.
Keep watching disclosurenewsonline, where if anything EVER occurs in this matter, we’ll bring it to you first….and if we don’t get it first, we’ll get it BEST.