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Can you believe it’s almost Fall?? This year has flown by…and there’s been plenty of news to report, especially throughout the Summer. That’s why we run papers every three weeks, at least three times per year, in order to make sure you’re kept apprised of what’s REALLY going on in your area, and not just the gloss and fluff the mainstream (state-influenced) media want you to believe!

Last week, we placed on the stands the last of the three-week run for now, so there’ll be four weeks until the next issue…meaning this one will be on stands til September 10. To assist you in knowing what we cover, we produce This Month’s Print Headlines, a run-down of material appearing in the current issue. Each print headline is the link to the e-Edition article, and is preceded by the dateline (the town or county where the material in the article originated) and is followed by a a brief synopsis of the article. Print headlines are broken up into sections, including Front Page, Back Page (the second front page), pages 2 and 3, Features, Egypt, Heartland and Central, and then Op-Ed. So without further ado, we present to you THIS MONTH’S PRINT HEADLINES.


Ed Hataway

Ed Hataway

OLNEY—New details in Hataway death case: We know there are a lot of people who’ve been wanting something new about the murder case of Ed Hataway, who disappeared from his home in mid-September 2012. This is that update you’ve been waiting for…and it pus a few puzzle pieces together that no other media dare do.

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Greg Hill

CRAWFORD CO.—Judge’s son takes OP case to appeals: In another one of those articles that local mainstream media dared not touch because of the associations of the people involved, this is one of the most bizarre cases we’ve seen in a long, long time. You need to read it, not just for the comedic value, but because of how thought-provoking it really is…and how sometimes, there are just some things—like a person’s mental status—that shouldn’t go ignored, and yet…they do.

JASPER CO.—Multiple lawsuits filed in biodiesel plant construction; company moves forward: Two years ago in June we brought you material about mechanic’s liens filed against Blue Northern Energy because of non-payments of bills. Now, Blue Northern, the biodiesel plant to the south of town, is in deeper financial trouble.

Freeman STD

Freeman STD

ELDORADO—Was police chief responsible for ‘kidnapping’?: This article covers the incidents leading up to the late-July ‘kidnapping-that-wasn’t-a-kidnapping ‘ in Eldorado, and tells you the parts that mainstream media either didn’t bother to find out or overlooked completely if they saw the police reports. Long story short: ‘rado’s errant chief of police, Freeman Shannon Todd Deuel, may have been responsible for Sonny Pilgrim’s activities on the night in question. Read how at the link, as we’re hearing we’ve sold out at both Eldorado ROC One-Stop locations and won’t get a restock until Tuesday, August 19!

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Danny Coston

WHITE CO.—Double-murderer has court setting for appellate argument: Danny Coston is in the headlines once again, as there’s just something about his stipulated bench trial/plea agreement that went down a year ago that he didn’t like. What he’s arguing in the appeals court in Mt. Vernon is unclear…but it’s disturbing. Read this story to see why.


Yes, that's a judge. Yes, she still looks like that. Yes, looks can be deceiving.

Yes, that’s a judge. Yes, she still looks like that. Yes, looks can be deceiving.

FRANKLIN/WHITE COs.—OP: Dangerous case law set by radical judge in Franklin County: We knew that voting Melissa Drew in as judge in 2006 was a bad idea, but she was a classic case of the lesser of two evils, as she wasn’t Brian Shinkle. Now, Drew (known as Morgan, as she’s taken back her maiden name after her divorce from greasy criminal defense attorney Bryan Drew) has done what we’ve feared some judge in the Second Circuit would do as soon as civil Stalking/No-Contact Orders were made available to the general public: She’s ordered one entered where the petitioner lied on the form…and is a public official who sought an OP against a member of the public criticizing her. This convoluted garbage sets the precedent for other public officials to petition to shut someone up who’s complaining about the job they do while on the taxpayers’ teat…and is dangerous for independent media and citizens alike.

Screen Shot 2014-08-11 at 1.06.08 PMWILLIAMSON CO.—Truce called in water war: Remember Jeff Jenkins from a couple of months back? He’s had some incredible things happen in his life…and a resolution to the situation in the village of Pittsburg and the water issues the village created for him and tenants on his property.

Screen Shot 2014-08-11 at 3.32.29 PMMARION—Son speaks freely about his father’s cannabis charge: As we listed in the last issue, there was something hinky about the arrest and charge against a Marion man who’s a volunteer on a community board. Now, his son speaks out about just how hinky that is…but whether anyone will do anything about it at this late date remains to be seen.


WILLIAMSON CO.—Williamson County property taxes: coverage continues of questionable doings: Part 4 of our continuing series of what a Marion resident, Lily Abbott, found during her investigation into practices of the Williamson County tax assessor and improper assessments being made of properties belonging to the “names” in Marion and throughout the county.

RICHLAND CO.—Child sex offense charged after OP filed in Richland: While there are mostly ridiculous uses and abuses of Illinois’ OP option, in this case, it appears warranted. Also, it gave cops a heads-up when it came to alleged child porn.


John E. Bradley

John E. Bradley

WILLIAMSON CO.—Divorce file shows possible proof of ARDC complaint; brother finds his case amended: The saga of the Bradley boys in Marion continues…and things are getting deeper and deeper for both of them. Will they be able to extricate themselves with all their buds in downstate…or will they drag the buds down WITH them?


Screen Shot 2014-08-11 at 12.53.34 PMSALINE CO.—Troubled officers connected by psychiatrist who overmedicated: Remember the cases of Kyle Schwartz and Brent Stanley? Guess what they had in common?…a lovely doctor who was possibly overprescribing medication for them. She’s already in a heap of trouble with the IDPFR…will there be more? Check this story for the who, what, why and where to see.

GALLATIN CO.—Big names busted in Gallatin County: This isn’t your usual obligatory crim roundup in GallCo…nooooo….this is ENHANCED crim roundup.

HARRISBURG—Medical marijuana distribution facility considered in Harrisburg property bid: Will a medical marijuana facility be sited in Harrisburg? The possibility is there…and since it’s a distribution facility, it’ll be heavily controlled so that the criminal element won’t be able to access it easily. Let’s keep our fingers crossed…and while crossing, read this article for the full report.

SALINE CO.—Teen gets busted with meth after hitting deer: Talk about adding insult to injury…that poor deer.

SALINE CO.—Questions arise over board members being removed from IMRF without their knowledge: THIS again? Yes. This again. The matter of retirement funds, which is decimating the Saline County budget, has reared its ugly head again…and has gotten even MORE ugly if that can even be imagined.

HARDIN CO.—Hardin prosecutor either doesn’t know the law or is continuing a promised vendetta: What’s Tara-ble Tara Wallace been up to this past month? You’re not going to believe this one…it’s basic lawyer school 101…but, to be fair, she might’ve been out of class on the day they explained “double jeopardy.”

Screen Shot 2014-08-11 at 12.47.09 PMGALLATIN CO.—Man who tried to run over woman forgiven: I’d say “only in Gallatin County”…but you know that’s not true; this kind of shit goes on EVERYWHERE.

GALLATIN CO.—Shawneetown sex offender charged with not registering: Broken out from the usual GallCo crim roundup because, well…SEX OFFENDER.

SALINE CO.—‘Rado woman charged after allegedly busting man’s head open with bottle: This gal told us today that she didn’t hit dude in the head with a bottle; only with her fist. Cops beg to differ.

SALINE CO.—Man jailed for trying to steal ambulance at Huck’s: A never-ending supply of weird criminal antics in Saline; here’s yet another.

SALINE CO.—Stolen handgun, with a live round in the chamber, found in wake of fight: Looks like someone was pretty intent on causing harm somehow, in this scenario.

HARDIN CO.—Legally challenged prosecutor has plate full: More Tara-ble anecdotes. Will she ever just give up? Don’t count on it.

SALINE CO.—Eldorado felon charged with selling firearm: How do weapons become “illegal”? This article will give you a pretty good idea.

SALINE CO.—Revoked driver arrested after cops find drugs: Drug felons, doing what they can’t seem to QUIT doing…which would be, violating the law. Allegedly, of course.

SALINE CO.—Woman arrested after found in city park, digging around her breasts for drug stash: No comment from the arresting officer on whether or not it was a NICE “digging,” or was something that someone wouldn’t necessarily want to observe.

SALINE CO.—Homeless man with history of ‘bothering young girls’ arrested: Harrisburg has such a nice park. And this guy was busted out in it. Two guesses as to why, and the first doesn’t count.

SALINE CO.—Marion woman charged with stealing purse, using bankcard: This is a sad, sad tale of youth in Saline and Williamson counties, I’m here to tell ya.

HARDIN CO.—Woman charged with threatening a public official by phone; cyberstalking considered: The BIG REVEAL is right here! What the hell has Tina Williams done in Hardin County? Stuff that others wouldn’t continue to get away with, rest assured…but now, time to pay the piper.

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Above, another once-beautiful house in the Rocky Branch Road area of Cottage Township that was bought out by Peabody but remains standing as a mute testament to what the mine company leaves behind when it moves through an area. At left, the view behind Southeastern Illinois College east of Harrisburg on Illinois Route 13; it’s of a massive gob pile (mining refuse) which also contains a refuse pond (more the size of a lake) which, if for whatever reason the containment walls burst, would create a tsunami that could inundate the college as well as the highway to the south. Below is a truck driven by a member of Securitas, the security firm out of Marion that Peabody employs to drive the perimeter of Peabody property where it meets up with Rocky Branch property. The day the photo was shot, the woman driving the security vehicle was literally stalking Disclosure staff present to get the photos.

SALINE CO.—Fight for Rocky Brand Road taken to state capitol on appeal: The residents of Rocky Branch in Cottage Township are not giving up without a fight. Find out how far they’re willing to go to ensure their lives and livelihood are saved from the encroachments of Peabody Coal.


CRAWFORD CO.—Pair of sex offenders continue to violate terms of release in Robinson: Sex offender crim roundup leads the way for the section, right behind the jump off page 1 about the Newton biodiesel facility.

CRAWFORD CO.—Palestine man charged with hitting nurse: The general crim roundup as regards violence for Crawford, with this punk leading the way.

CRAWFORD CO.—Burglaries, thefts plague Crawford: The personal property crim roundup in Crawford.

JASPER CO.—Hidalgo man charged with sexual abuse: Jasper County sex offender roundup.

CRAWFORD CO.—Stimulants and meth precursors charged: The Crawford County dope roundup.


The July 28 Olney City Council meeting was teeming with residents present to speak out against the council’s support of a business siting a medical marijuana cultivation or distribution facility in Olney. However, despite the impassioned opinions expressed by the citizenry, it ended with the appearance that they are not quite understanding what siting of a facility means for the city and the state, as opinions included the perception that people would be ‘using’ more marijuna simply because such a facility would be present in their community, and that it would increase crime. Mayor Ray Vaughn, below, explained that medical marijuana is going to be no different than any other prescription drug, and if a drug company wanted to site in Olney, he would welcome them to do so.

OLNEY—Locals object to council’s support of possible siting of medical marijuana facility in Olney: Who WOULDN’T want a pharmaceutical production facility in their community? A group of good churchgoing people in Olney, evidently. Oh if only this many people could have showed up and demanded answers for the uninvestigated deaths of Jaimee Rupe, Ed Hataway, and Joe Galyean, or the ridiculous charges Brandon Jenkins faced after one of the REAL menaces of Olney, Michael Scott Earp, managed to shoot himself with Jenkins’ gun. But noooooo….they’ve got to oppose something LEGAL. Go figure.

LAWRENCEVILLE—Bank robbery still being investigated: Details about the bank robbery that occurred in L’ville in late July.

RICHLAND CO.—Drugs, violence focus of Richland police blotter: Combined drug and violence report in Richland, with some of the most unattractive mugshots available ANYWHERE!

HAMILTON CO.—McLeansboro lawnmower man busted for DUI: A general crim roundup in McL.

WABASH CO.—Dope, violence and cough medicine theft reported in Wabash: The general dope roundup for WabCo.

LAWRENCE CO.—Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse in Lawrence Co.: Singular event article about a sex crime charged.

WAYNE CO.—Thieves target air conditioning units, golf clubs, motorcycle: The Wayne Co crim roundup on the personal property level.

Steven Ritchey

Steven Ritchey

HAMILTON CO.—McLeansboro man charged with attacking his own family members: Here’s a bitterly horrible situation one elderly Hamilton County couple found themselves in, courtesy one of their kids.

EDWARDS CO.—Battered couple featured in Edwards County: Well…at least they weren’t elderly.

RICHLAND CO.—Illegal credit card use and theft charges filed: More Richland County crim roundup, crimes against personal property.

WABASH CO.—Incidents of criminals entering occupied homes increase: Coverage of the Ivan K. Dill lunacy, and more, in WabCo.

LAWRENCE CO.—Pills and meth in Lawrence focus of crim report: The dope report out of Lawrence, with many of the usual suspects.

WHITE CO.—Washer and dryer, dirtbike stolen in White: Crims in White County have apparently been bulking up at the gym.

WAYNE CO.—Serial sex offender charged with battering child: He’s from up Xenia way, but he’s in Wayne Co.

CLAY CO.—Richland man faces sex charge in Clay: One of those crossover pieces that occurs all too frequently, especially in Richland and Clay counties for some reason.


SURLY & UNCOOPERATIVE (Jack): How to have a clear conscience and sleep like a baby
ICY (Ang): Imposing a ‘convict fee,’ dealing with stupid
NOT JADED (Jade): Public input…or shoving religion down the throats of the people?
MINKUS INK (Brian): The solution to the billion dollar question
REDHEAD RAMPAGE (Lyndi): Try being as honest as a child for a week
VOICE OF THE PEOPLE (letters): Ranting about Tara-ble Wallace; the Yates situation in Clark County; and more

BACK OVER YOUR TALES: What was going on in the pages of the August 2009 edition of Disclosure!


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