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What’s that? A single-month-named issue? YOU BET. Because it’s summertime…and that means a new edition of Disclosure every THREE WEEKS until October! Which is all the more reason for you to hurry out and pick up the one that just hit the stands, because there’s less time for you to do so…or, if you prefer, you can read it right here at the e-Edition if you have an online membership.

Print headlines are an easy way to see what’s in this issue; they’re placed here as a link for those who  have an e-Edition subscription; and are preceded by a dateline (the location where material in the article occurred) and followed by a brief synopsis of the material, so you can check out what we’re presenting this month. Print headlines are broken up by order of appearance: Front page, back page (second front page), page 2, page 3, Features, Egypt, Heartland and Central, and then Opinion-Editorial. So without further ado, we bring you THIS MONTH’S PRIN HEADLINES for the JUNE 2014 edition of DISCLOSURE.



Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 12.46.19 PMMARION—Complaints filed against attorney: Here’s a stunner for the Williamson/Saline counties area, as well as several counties surrounding: There’s a prominent attorney in Marion who’s apparently prominent only because of his last name and his connections. It sure as hell isn’t because of his litigation acumen. For those who are big Bradley supporters, they’ll say this is crap. The Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) is saying otherwise.

Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 12.38.51 PMHARRISBURG—Ex-mayor issues threats: One would think that after Eric Gregg lied on government paperwork to ascend, through the help of local corrupt politicians, to a high-end political appointment made by an also-likewise lying governor, he’d sit back, do next to nothing, and collect that taxpayer-supported paycheck at roughly $1,700 a week. But one would be wrong if one thought that…because Eric Gregg is pathologically self-destructive. Read this to see how self-destructive…and watch upcoming announcements about the situation, because we’re getting that waterfowl in a linear formation.

WHITE CO.—Phoenix under fire: A Carmi nursing home and its owner has found itself in local as well as federal court. Find out what the sitch is…and the dollar amounts involved.

LAWRENCE CO.—Dealing with county liquor and gaming: Getting used to legal gambling in Illinois is something the various county boards have had to tackle. Add into that the mess that is the liquor establishments owned by the Mad Max Schauf contingent, and you’ve got a recipe for problems.

What's left of Peyton Herron's car

What’s left of Peyton Herron’s car

POPE CO.—Police chief’s daughter cited with DUI in crash: The outcome of what could have been a much more tragic crash in Pope County involving Saline County residents…and what ISP believes caused it.


WILLIAMSON CO.—Tax fraud, corruption in Williamson County dissected and exposed: Last year we stumbled upon a situation in Williamson County that was reaching crisis proportions—that of the multitudinous TIF Districts that are taking money from other public entities in Marion, with inexplicable expenditures; not that anyone isn’t trying to understand where all the money went. They are, but they’re being stymied by machinations out of city hall. This is the first of a multi-part series; if you’re from Marion, you’re going to recognize many of the players involved as well as those who have been hopelessly and haplessly put upon. Be sure you check every issue…you’ll want to have them all on-hand when something finally breaks in this case, so you can say you were there from the beginning with it.


Rick White

Rick White

RICHLAND CO.—Perjury investigation on White CONFIRMED: Last month we brought you the article about Rick White going around telling people he was under investigation for perjury in Richland County. This month, we confirm it, and tell what’s going on in the case that’s sucking down YOUR tax dollars, statewide.

EDGAR CO.—ANOTHER BOGUE PLANE CRASHES: An airplane that had been in the custody of pilot Rusty Bogue crashed last year with him on board, killing him. Two other airplanes owned by the same man and in care and custody of Bogue were burned in November. But there were two other planes Bogue was maintaining during that time frame. One just went down in Montana. Where is the other, and what’s it going to show? Time for the NTSB to double down on their investigation…and time for some serious butt-puckering in corrupt Edgar County.

EFFINGHAM CO.—Another 30-day delay in autopsy report release: This follow up to the Justin DeRyke debacle outlines very succinctly WHY we are so interested in Willow Long‘s autopsy report…on which we’ve been put another 30-day delay in viewing.


EDGAR CO.—County board member either stonewalling or lying about mandatory training certificate: Hubris-filled public officials are the bane of the taxpayer. Lying, hubris-filled public officials are what we at Disclosure as well as the Edgar County Watchdogs not only find detestable, but are determined to hold accountable for their actions. This article is about one of those public officials…and the documentation of his lying ways.

Beth Butler

Beth Butler

WILLIAMSON/FRANKLIN COs. —OP filed against mayor’s daughter: She’s had her peeps attacking us since the the story first broke about her weird proclivities. Now, read the full account of what’s going on with Beth Butler…and how she’s managed to embroil another of the Marion notables in the mess.

U.S. DISTRICT COURT, BENTON—APPEAL FILED IN FEDERAL ISP LAWSUIT: Every time ISP “special agent” Rick White does something he thinks is noteworthy, mainstream media’s all over it. And every time someone slaps him back, mainstream media ignores it. That’s why you should ignore mainstream media…and be sure you read Disclosure, since we tell you FACTS about the reality of Rick White and ISP…like in this article.


SALINE CO.—Status of Cottage Grove Road is in limbo as township lacks road commissioner: The updated article about what’s being done to the citizens along Cottage Grove and Rocky Branch roads…is the latest set of moves a strategy? If so, it’s a good one.

HARDIN/GALLATIN COs.—Sister makes autopsy reports public, before official investigation into death is complete: A couple of weeks ago we were wondering how on earth Tami Jackson got hold of the report of the autopsy of her sister, Chrissy Williams. We found out. Here is the coverage of the matter in full.

ELDORADO—Sex-for-money scheme leads to beaten “Mexican,” three charged with robbery: We’d say “only in Saline County,” but crap like this isn’t just happening in Saline….

SALINE CO.—Report of Galatia man threatening to kill children leads to discovery of meth lab: At least there are some good meth busts going on in Saline County.

SALINE CO.—Homeless man charged with bringing drugs into police department to report a theft: Need a little chuckle at the actions of the non-thinking? Read this.

SALINE CO.—Raleigh man taken into custody, ex-girlfriend alleged he broke into her house and threatened to kill her: Horrible experience by a local Saline gal at the hands of her ex, at least according to the police report filed on the matter.

SALINE CO.—Trio charged with entering residence and robbing woman at gunpoint: And in this one, you’re not going to believe who the victim was. We realize that anyone can become a victim of such a crime…but this gal seems to have “crim magnet” tattooed on her forehead.

Hardin County prosecutor, the disagreeable Tara Wallace

Hardin County prosecutor, the disagreeable Tara Wallace

HARDIN CO.—Board member calls state’s attorney “an embarrassment”: No Tara, we’re not going to tell you which one; there are only three, YOU figure it out. In the meantime, here’s Hardin’s crim roundup, such as it is. Read it and see what cases Tara Wallace is going to lose next…and probably with the defendants representing themselves.

GALLATIN CO.—Violence reported in Gallatin: The crim roundup for that county.

SALINE CO.—Eldorado man accused of sexually assaulting teen: A brief story, about a situation that’s happening far too often these days.

SALINE CO.—Felon busted for driving with one headlight and meth under his hat, thought about running: Never a good idea. But the police handled it exceptionally well.

SALINE CO.—Saline County could be bankrupt if county board can’t turn around retirement plan crisis: What are the retirement plans that are sinking the county’s finances, and how are they going to be addressed? Back-dating an ordinance isn’t the solution…just saying, county board.

Eric Gregg...the gift that keeps on giving.

Eric Gregg…the gift that keeps on giving.

HARRISBURG—Former mayor’s legacy further tainted as city struggles with dilapidated building it owns: But…but…but…Eric Gregg was the SAVIOR of Harrisburg!! Surely there weren’t things he was ignoring in the city that were falling completely apart while he was mayor…right????….WRONG.

MARION—‘Created’ position of lieutenant up for debate, but not being addressed on agenda: Yes, the return of Angelo Hightower to the city council agenda…and the dismissal of the subject thereof. What’s a guy to do? That part remains to be seen.

HARRISBURG—Donation for K9: Feature piece on a donation to the Harrisburg police department at a recent city council meeting.

Christopher Stevens

Christopher Stevens

WILLIAMSON CO.—Homeless man pinched for pilfering banana bread and chocolate milk: The things people do to get written about in the Williamson County crim roundup often leave us shaking our heads…


From The Master's Hands recent fundraiser

From The Master’s Hands recent fundraiser

Help and hope offered at The Master’s Hands: Jade does her usual awesome job on a feature piece about people doing good in Richland and Jasper counties. We need more of this; read this piece and maybe you’ll be inspired to help out!


CLARK CO.—’Citizen’s arrest’ just the beginning of Clark Court Park Board’s problems at Mill Creek: One of the biggest stories to come out of Clark County in a long time…the exact problems that the Edgar County Watchdogs have found at the Mill Creek Park Board are going to just blow your mind…and make you wonder what’s going on in your OWN park district.

DOUGLAS CO.—Arcola facing fifth Freedom of Information Act lawsuit for not releasing public documents: “What business is it of yours where/when/whether we took vacations??” so sayeth the dweebs in Arcola. Well, it just IS…because it’s PUBLIC…which is what we’re here for, to tell the PUBLIC how their (our) tax dollars are being spent.

CRAWFORD CO.—Crawford County Board makes appointments: Crawford County board meeting coverage.

EDGAR CO.—Unwanted deputy asked to explain financial claims: Never have we seen such a thorough questionnaire that, if it’s answered HONESTLY (which is the big question, naturally) by Roger Hopper, is probably going to save the taxpayers of Edgar a LOT of money after the ridiculous ruling of an arbitrator and a court who acquiesced to that ruling.

CRAWFORD CO.—Attempted urine fraud among Crawford drug offenses charged: The Crawford crim roundup, drug-crime style.

CRAWFORD CO.—Fitness to stand trial exam ordered in theft case, homeless sex offender charged again: More Crawford county crim charges, this one of the violence variety.

Roger Hopper

Roger Hopper

EDGAR CO.—Deputy violates law by purchasing a vehicle he seized during a drug arrest: Still think Roger Hopper’s a great pick for deputy in Edgar County? Read this; if you have any intellect at all, you’ll think differently when you’re done.

JASPER CO.—Man charged with ripping woman’s shirt, bra off her: The violence report out of Jasper County, complete with ripping but not stripping.

ROBINSON—Robinson city council approves expenditures: Robinson city council coverage courtesy of the awesome Jeremy C.

CRAWFORD CO.—Hate crime charged for alleged racial slur: Charging someone for what they were “thinking” when they said something. Wonderful. Here we go America…and it’s happening in Palestine, of all places.


The baby in question; a little boy.

The baby in question; a little boy.

LAWRENCE CO.—Abandoned baby case resolved with pleas: Remember that poor little baby boy who was left in his car seat/carrier in front of Walmart in Lawrenceville? Well here’s the outcome of his story as of a few short months of his parents sitting in the slam with nothing to do but think about their own stupidity.

Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 1.21.08 PMLAWRENCE CO.—Church ladies rally to support alleged thief’s early court appearance, bond: Lawrence County is nothing if not filled to overflowing (in certain quadrants) with hypocrites. Read this article to get a glimpse into one particular bunch of them.

HAMILTON CO.—Teen gets prison for vehicle theft; sex abuse and arson top police report: The HamCo crim roundup, with a requisite alleged sex offender tossed in for good measure…and an inexplicable car theft.

LAWRENCE CO.—Man commits suicide after charges of burglary, order of protection, filed: One of the strangest little stories to come out of Sumner in a while, which we touched upon on the site here when it happened. Now, read the full accounting, according to court paperwork.

Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 1.09.37 PMRICHLAND CO.—Small-time crim declared ‘disabled adult’ by court: The strange antics of Austin Hulett may finally have come to an end…but in one of the most bizarre ways possible.

WAYNE/WHITE COs.—Woman accused of stealing from township charged with DUI drugs: Shannon Woodrow, AGAIN.

LAWRENCE CO.—No real resolution to Sumner bunch accused of multiple crimes against pair of children: This one will put a little bit of a chill up your spine. When is it that an alleged crim can get off on a misdemeanor with what was obviously a very serious felony…? When someone can’t testify against her. And wait til you see WHY.

CLAY CO.—Fitness evaluation ordered for woman attorney feels is unstable: Remember Lindsey Agee from last month? Well she’s making a return this month…and with less clothing involved.

CLAY CO.—Violent Flora felon taken into custody after attack on woman: OPs are just a piece of paper…and this article illustrates that nicely.

RICHLAND CO.—Felonious weed dealer leads Richland County crime report: The Richland crim roundup, with the usual suspects (and repeat offenders…)

LAWRENCE CO.—Lawrence police blotter filled with DUI, drugs: Our take on it is…it’s LAWRENCE COUNTY. When is it NOT filled with DUI and drugs??

WHITE CO.—Charged with hog-tying girlfriend: There have been a LOT of very strange stories chronicled this month about what human beings will (allegedly) do to each other. This is another one of those.

WABASH CO.—Head-banging in squad car lands man behind bars: The Wabash County crim report highlighted by some of the stupidest of crims.


SURLY & UNCOOPERATIVE (Jack) Facebook, toilet paper shopping and the fly
ICY (Ang) If you don’t want it out there, don’t post it
MINKUS INK (Bubba) Why is combat equipment given to police?
REDHEAD RAMPAGE (Lyndi) Ducking around on the internet….wait….

VOICE OF THE PEOPLE (letters): Inmate writes about horrors of Hardin County court system; Tyler McQueen writes from prison; problems with Benton continue to be exposed.

Jason Lee Hoy

Jason Lee Hoy

BACK OVER YOUR TALES: A look at the June 2009 edition of Disclosure: Sad situation with little Jason Hoy, changes made to the flood insurance program in Lawrence; Amanda Colclasure charged with murder in Olney; Raymond Martin charged in federal court; Jeffrey Eastman accused of sexual assault of a child in Richland County; Berry School in mid-town Mt. Carmel demolished; Kelly Klingler charged with sex assault of a young girl; Li’l Nate & Jessica busted in Richland for busting up a car; Joe Bisch seated as mayor in Grayville; Lil Pee Darnell outed as a sex perv in Richland County civil court; a year review of the devastating flood in Lawrence County.

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