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REPOST: The informative piece, a year ago today, about the BOOMS in Southern Illinois


It was a year ago today (on Saturday, March 23, 2014, just a day off on the date) that Ang was able to put together something she’d been working on for a solid week…ever since a mystery boom rattled the entirety of southern Illinois.

So I’ve decided to repost it, for those who may be wondering about booms in their area subsequent to this one we felt.

At the time it happened—March 16, 2013—we were kind of in a prime situation to experience it: Ang was couch-bound, having experienced a bout of food poisoning from a local restaurant the night before, and I was puttering around the house we were staying at in Carrier Mills, getting posts to the site here. The boom was sudden and woke Ang up, causing her to immediately gasp “EARTHQUAKE!” And that’s what I thought, too…but when nothing showed up on USGS, we sent out a Facebook call, and while literally hundreds of people were reporting back to us as having felt and heard it in every county in deep southern Illinois, NO seismic activity was recorded.

There was a second boom later that night, mostly heard/felt in central Saline County and north Hardin. It was accompanied by a flash of light, happening late in the evening. But others advised us that to the west of us in Carrier Mills, there had ALSO been a flash of light at the moment of the afternoon boom, and those outside had experienced it.

What was it? We still don’t know. We do know that reports of the same were being made all over the country at the time. There’s just been no explanation offered by the multitude of “experts” you’d think would at least have an opinion. It took Ang a full week to gather the info, talk to the “experts,” and collect the data that went into the below post.

So here’s the complete repost of it. Please opine if you feel like it; give us your experiences. I feel like some day in the future, there WILL be an explanation offered. At that time, I’d like to look back at what people say, and see how it all compares.


SOUTHERN ILLINOIS (March 23, 2013)—A remarkable phenomenon has created a lot of tension amongst residents of southern Illinois—and indeed across the country—and lack of formal information from public officials who are paid by taxpayers to know things like this is adding to the frustration.

But more and more research, most of it being done by independent (and laymen, in terms of the scientific realms being delved into) journalists, since mainstream media seems opposed to even acknowledging that there’s even a story there, is turning up that TENSION might be exactly what’s causing these sounds.

And even then, that’s not necessarily good news. Because as can be imagined, “earth tension” can only mean a handful of things…and considering what we’re sitting atop of here in the Midwest, any one of those things could be a powderkeg if the very worst imaginable happens.

A week ago today—Saturday, March 16, 2013—at 1:44 p.m., a very large boom, followed by what has been described as shock waves, rumbling or rattling, shook us here in southernmost/southeastern Illinois.

Early on, Disclosure ruled out, via calls and emails, any seismic activity. Jessica Robertson with US Geological Survey advised that there was nothing on any monitors, ergo there was no seismic activity. Email inquiries returned by the Federal Aviation Administration advised that no one in the southern Illinois area had “requested permission” to execute any flight activity that would result in a ‘sonic boom,’ which has been effectively outlawed (via abatement; see link) for aircraft for a number of years. Illinois Mines & Minerals, when reached a couple of days later, advised that there was no mining activity, like blasting, going on at the time that could have resulted in a boom that was felt across the counties that it was. Those included, in order of their reporting to us, Saline, Gallatin, Williamson, Hardin, Franklin, Hamilton, Pope, Jackson, Jefferson and White. That’s a lot of acreage for someone fooling around with the legal explosive, Tannerite—also listed frequently as a reason for some of these ‘booms’—to be affecting…and the truth is, Tannerite might cause an adjacent county to hear the explosions (in early 2010, someone in Pond Creek in rural Edwards County was using Tannerite, and we could hear it when we were in Albion), but it wouldn’t be heard and felt, even if centrally located, in an area as big as this.

Counties affected are in this area
Counties affected are in this area

There was a suggestion that there was a meteorite event that resulted in the boom, and many in the Carrier Mills area of Saline County advised that they’d seen a flash of light on the clear sunny afternoon that didn’t have a real distinct point of origin; however, no calls have been returned from the contact we’ve tried to make with NASA. Probably funding cuts.

So that pretty much covered the logical bases. With the exception of NASA, we’d heard from, and ruled out, every common sense and gut reaction possibility for the boom—which rattled walls and windows, and which we ourselves, in our new hangout west of Harrisburg, felt for a sustained 7 seconds of shaking of some sort, most closely related in sensation to one of the early aftershocks of the earthquake that shook us April 18, 2008 in the very early morning hours, that aftershock coming at about 10 a.m. and registering 3.4 in magnitude.

But that wasn’t what it was.

So what was it?

There’s not been one definitive explanation that covers all the possibilities, especially given that another boom was felt and heard—and a flash of light seen, by several people in Saline County including in downtown Harrisburg—right before 10:30 that night, March 16, 2013.

But there are a lot of suggestions, and they’re all kind of wrapping up to one thing—electrical charge, discharging in the atmosphere.

Whether that electrical discharge is prompted by something in the atmosphere, something in the ground, or something in between, the premise is that it goes like this: you know what happens in the winter when you shuffle across a carpeted floor, then touch something metal. Zap. Sometimes there’s an audible crackle; oftentimes it hurts. Well, a lot of people think that’s been happening this winter—outdoors, and on a huge scale. Reports of booms and flashes, with nothing tangible to connect to them whatsoever (debris from the sky, debris from explosions on the ground, absence of thunderstorms, etc), could result from static discharge—and create a “boom.”

But why in the areas they’ve been reported? EvansvilleFort KnoxFlint, Mich.Cottonwood, Ariz.Gadsden, Ala.

We can’t speak for those other areas. But we know what’s beneath us here in southern Illinois. Let’s review what I wrote to Linda Moulton at Earthfiles last week, so you can get the picture in full:

One of the things I’m noticing about your reports from booms out west, and especially in Alaska, is that the booms are in the vicinity of dormant or active volcanoes. I’m aware vaguely that there is a lot of static discharge in the opening of volcanoes prior to their eruption. But…is there such discharge on a regular basis (months or perhaps years) prior to eruption? Can it be a constant state of static? And the big question: can a newly-forming volcano have that kind of static discharge…resulting in multiple “booms” over a period of time?
Many people don’t know about our “extinct” volcano, Hicks Dome, in Hardin County, just to the south of where the largest portion of reports about yesterday’s boom came (please view the map in “terrain” mode and zoom out from closest at about 2-3 clicks, you’ll see the distinct formation; or, you can see our comparison at this link on our site in a post I did some years back). The house where we stay when we’re down here is (in the southern part of Saline County), a bit north of the Dome. From our reports from several counties (Jackson, Williamson, Saline, Franklin, Jefferson, White, Hamilton, Gallatin, Hardin and Pope), it seems the boom was centralized (west of Harrisburg), Carrier Mills. This site shows there was some kind of meteorite event yesterday in CM, but I’m having a hard time believing it; it was a beautiful day here, many of the reports came from people who were outside, and few saw a flash or any light at all associated with this. In fact, we have yet to have a report of anything visible; this was only heard and felt.
So what I’m asking is this: we are in what’s called the “Illinois Basin,” an area that oil producers love because they don’t have to go so far down to get their oil. Granted, to the south of us in the Shawnee National Forest (FEDERAL reserve, no less), the land is significantly higher, but…despite what modern-day science wants people to believe about Hicks Dome (that it never erupted; that it was only a “bulge,” which is ridiculous, all one has to do is look at the topo maps to see that it did indeed erupt at some point in time), could there not be lava/magma beneath us, constantly moving, perhaps moving upwards…and, in a low-lying area like the basin, could it not have very far to go if it wanted to break free from the ground? And, if there is heavy static discharge in these vicinities, could this be what’s happening, and we’re getting static discharge from below-ground activity that isn’t necessarily seismic?
We here in southern Illinois are being lied to constantly about many different things. The next paragraph is about a mere fraction of the types of coverups we have going on down here.
Just this past September I was shown an incredible set of thermal maps shot of the Hardin and surrounding counties area that shows the dispersion of certain minerals underlying the soil, these shots taken in the mid-80s and in the possession of a property owner who paid a California company–which does this kind of aerial thermal imaging work for the fault lines out in that state–who was in a land dispute at the time with some power brokers in the area. The man wished only to prove that land his property sat upon had reserves of certain types of fluorspar (which is essential in enriching uranium, something that’s done at the Honeywell plant in Metropolis, Ill.), silver and other semi-precious minerals/gemstones (sapphire and ruby have been found in the vicinity of Hicks). Besides the fluorspar, he proved that a large amount of Thorium also was plentiful in the area. This, and a host of other elements discovered, indicated that there had not only been numerous eruptions at Hicks, but that it hadn’t been that long ago that it had erupted–as in millions of years, like the “experts” say. The possibility is greater that we’re looking at only a few HUNDRED years ago, before there were people in the area keeping records of what was going on. The Thorium is NOT as deep under the ground as the fluorspar. And as you can read here, “Thorium-232, when bombarded with neutrons, becomes Thorium 233, which eventually decays into uranium-233 through a series of beta decays; uranium-233 is a fissionable material and can be used as a nuclear fuel.” Very little wonder that the feds have a stranglehold on “their” property down there in the national forest…and that men like the one we interviewed last year with the maps is highly worried about those maps falling into the wrong hands.
Folks are not allowed to mine fluorspar down here. Folks are not allowed to mine for a LOT of different things in the Shawnee that they used to be able to. I’m of the opinion that there are things the ‘government’ doesn’t want people to find under the ground down there. I can tell you that electronics are badly disrupted in Hardin, Gallatin, Pope in Illinois and many of the counties in adjacent Kentucky, across the river. People who know about Hicks Dome and don’t subscribe to the mainstream view of it believe that whatever the volcano spewed out (Thorium, other elements) is sitting there just under the surface, being disruptive. But what if it’s static from ongoing lava/magma flow?
That’s about the extent of my premise. I ask only that you compare these booms to the possibility. I know very little about geological matters; I read quite avidly on the history of the area, and have written my own book about southern Illinois history, but certainly not geological issues. My history reading has turned up bizarre anomalies under the ground in our part of the state. Now I’m wondering if it’s not all tying in with these mystery booms. Please help if you can. I am deathly afraid of earthquakes and even more afraid of volcanic potential. It’s not out of the realm of possibility, I believe. A little over 150 years ago this report in Arkansas was documented in a local newspaper. What’s to say that it can’t happen abruptly like that, anywhere in an area where an ancient seismic event took place. And then we’re hearing from Dutchsinse that there are “plumes” occurring across the country.
What is all this?
Hicks Dome, Hardin County
Hicks Dome, Hardin County

That’s just part of the premise, actually.

Since I wrote that letter to Moulton (who has gotten back with me, and with whom I’ve been corresponding throughout the week about people’s experiences with our booms), other possibilities of static discharge have come to the fore. This YouTuber believes that fracking and seismic activity both precede and follow static discharge, meaning that if we hear booms, it’s likely the result of a quake having occurred in an area…or one, possibly a big one, coming. There’s a lot of debate as to how fracking plays into this…but it’s a known fact that when fracking was ended in Arkansas, the small earthquakes also ended. Our fracking in southern Illinois hasn’t begun in earnest yet.

But that doesn’t mean there isn’t something ELSE under the ground. We sit atop literally the convergence of two massive seismic zones, the New Madrid (NMSZ) and the Wabash Valley (WVSZ). Even if there’s no volcanic activity, there’s plenty of earthquake potential. And the bottom line is…we just don’t know what’s happening under the ground, all the time. There’s just not enough money to study it all…and there’s so much to study.

The US Geological Survey contends, on their website, that there might be some connection between these sounds and pending seismic activity. At this page on their website, they discuss Seneca Guns, “earthquake booms” that have been associated with seismic activity literally for centuries, and all over the country. Yet even this is not consistent. With the exception of the massive 1811-12 quakes that struck the Midwest, there haven’t been a lot of reported sounds like this, both in advance or following detected earthquakes.

At least, until now.

Are we in the process of seismic events pending? Or is something even more sinister going on?

We know only enough about the HAARP system to merely reference it here, and give you a few links. But the last possibility we’re going to cover has to do with this system. Here is the official explanation for the existence of HAARP: ionospheric study. The site would have you believe that Alaska is the only place this system is set up. Not so. Many states have HAARP stations. Coordinated, it’s been alleged that they could, and probably have, impacted not only the weather, but seismic activity (sending the energy waves down into the ground, just the same as they are capable of sending them up into the air.) What can this system do? Most people don’t know. But you can rest assured over this: Whatever is known publicly that it can do, it can in reality do ten times that nonpublicly. That’s the way government programs work. HAARP is said to be questionable by those considered to be conspiracy theorists. Perhaps. Just bear in mind that not all conspiracies are theories. Some are real.

And while we’re on conspiracy theories, let’s mention briefly the situation in Bayou Corne in Louisiana…which is a real situation—a sinkhole—with a real, possibly devastating outcome: a swirling vortex into liquefied salt reserves that suck down everything into that liquefied salt for miles above and around. It happened in 1980 at the Jefferson Salt Mine, Lake Peigneur. Read about that. Read about how big the salt reserves are beneath the Gulf states. And understand that sometimes, accidents happen…but if punctures into the salt reserves are intentional, such as done by fracking, and the salt liquefies and begins sucking down everything above…well, we could see the beginning of the U.S. Naval maps of the lower 48 that look like this:


The shifting of the New Madrid/Wabash Valley seismic zones; Yellowstone Caldera; West Coast (San Andreas) and East Coast fault systems, were they to happen all at once or sequentially, could produce such a nightmare scenario.

Liquefied, sinking salt reserves could bring it about.

Fracking, unchecked, could bring about the liquefied, sinking salt reserves.

Seneca guns/booms could indicate where the problem areas are, those problem ares being where the frackers are seeking to drill.

So keep your eyes and ears on those booms. We may not know exactly what they are…but they shouldn’t be blown off wholesale, and there may yet come a time when someone—someone who knows, and you know there’s someone out there who does—will finally get their crap together and tell us the truth, instead of leaving it all up to speculation.

U.S. Naval map, post-catastrophic central-America earthquake.

U.S. Naval map, post-catastrophic central-America earthquake.

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