RICHLAND CO.—Sad that Richland County Republicans have THIS in their party, dragging them down…which is odd, because SHIT FLOATS.

Which one is the corn-eyed crap snake? The one on the right has no eyes, so it HAS to be the one on the left.....
Hey…it’s better than being a SHITHEAD!!
Of course, it’s hard to say which one would feel worse being squished up betwixt your toes.
This is a hell of a special delivery! Surprise inside! But hey….it just doesn’t sound right to say “You’re fulla CHUCK!!’
Actually, that does sound kinda…right. We’ll set about changing that.
In the meantime, if you have this man as your attorney, you are up CHUCK Creek without a paddle. Run!!! I hear banjos!!!! It’s the chucker-scooper!!!!~!
The odd thing is…all jokes aside, this guy says “I actually like it.”