RICHLAND CO.—Already the monthly backlash from the latest Earp coverage has hit, this time as of last night.
Here’s the call from phone number 618-204-9525. This is Anthony something-or-other (his diction is so Children-of-the-Corn garbled it’s hard to ascertain what his last name is). He’s supposedly the new bf of one nasty lil Brianna Lally. Regular readers will remember that she was confused with Breanna Earp (of course, they all claim they’re related) after Brianna issued her somewhat-incoherent opinion on Earp coverage in the December/January issue, and so we tried to rectify that this month. However, the Burp crew, of which this “Anthony” is apparently a part, doesn’t like our assessment of the situation as it appeared in yesterday’s Print Headlines online article. Too bad.

NOT the current bf....Brianna has moved on since her alleged fight with this one. This one is Justin Fleming. We're assuming it's Brianna in the pic. All those Earp supporters look alike with their bizarre expressions, nasty clothing and ugly, flat hair.
Here’s a suggestion for “Anthony” (who probably can’t speak clearly because he has a busted lip; just like it was alleged that Justin Fleming, in the photo here, had after Ms. Lally walloped him back in December, causing him to be an EX-bf)—tell your gf to stop posing for pics like the ones on her FB, and we’ll stop opining (something we’re entitled to do, btw….we can opine about accused crims all we want).
And in answer to your question: What I “like” or not is immaterial. The difference is, I know better.
Listen to the phone call again, then think about it.