OLNEY—The herd was thick but so was the security at the Richland County courthouse this morning (Friday, Dec. 2, 2011) at a “status hearing” held for Brandon Jenkins, the Houston, Texas man accused of murdering local thug Michael Scott Earp.
Earp, 23, died from a gunshot blast to the abdomen on the morning of Nov. 20 after an altercation he and two other local boys started (according to the latest reports) and Jenkins allegedly finished, by firing at Earp from the inside of his vehicle after Earp and his crew were reportedly attacking it, threatening to kill Jenkins inside.
Initially held on an Aggravated Battery charge, Jenkins, 34, had a single count of First-Degree Murder filed against him by Richland prosecutor David Hyde on Nov. 23, which charge stated that Jenkins fired the weapon “with intent” to kill Earp…even though reports indicate that Jenkins merely fired his weapon in self-defense attempting to get the Earp crew away from his vehicle, from which Jenkins had no escape, and into which, it appeared, the crew was going to enter and cause him great bodily harm.
This morning’s hearing set the stage for the type and manner of attendees folks are going to be seeing as this case progresses.
Attending this morning weren’t the big crew of tough guys the Earps (who are local thugs and mixed martial arts ‘fighters’) promote themselves to be (likely, they’ll use the excuse that “we-all us guys, we’s a werkin in tha orlfields!!”), but instead were a gaggle of girls and their disruptive children, accompanied by one bald dude who seemed to have been thrust into the ill-fitting role of intimidator for the females of the bunch. It didn’t work; he instead appeared kind of cowed that he had to be present at all, especially when tasked with the job of intermediary babysitter, making the rowdy children calm down in the lobby outside the courtroom.
The hearing, set for 8 am, was of course not held until well after that hour—closer to 8:30—which is typical in Richland County because Hyde always runs late….and that’s exactly what happened, when he rushed in to the back rooms, looking a little more harried than usual and with his toupee askew, toting a large box (presumably not containing Jenkins’ files, as the case has only begun). To his credit, it did appear the court had a full docket today.
Court security was comprised of PR Smith, Jail administrator Jerry Doan (who misinformed us about the perp walk, right up front), beleaguered sheriff’s department captain Dennis Hout, and two troopers from the Illinois State Police, neither one of them we recognized. There was no security gate; everyone was ‘wanded’ as they entered the courtroom, and bags were inspected….but with as many babies as this group was toting with them, they could have secreted a weapon in one of the multitude of blankets and accoutrements and the wand could have beeped right over it, with one of the girls pulling her hand out going “Oh see, it’s my bracelet! haha” and no one ever being the wiser until someone plugs Jenkins in the head with the “bracelet.”
The proceeding kicked off normally, with Jenkins seated by himself at the defense table, as this was his first hearing and no attorney had as yet been appointed him. Judge Larry Dunn was cordial to Jenkins, and Jenkins, in a kind, very Texan drawl, was extremely polite and cordial back to the judge in everything he said and did. Dunn explained Jenkins’ rights to him, and Jenkins, shackled hand and foot, acknowledged them.
Dunn asked if Jenkins had an attorney, and the Texan said that he did. But when Dunn asked who it was, Jenkins said he couldn’t remember the name, and advised that the information was “back in his cell.” Dunn asked if the attorney was local, and Jenkins replied swiftly, “No.”
Dunn then turned to Hyde and asked if there had been any communication from Jenkins’ attorney.
“Well,” Hyde said, “there was someone who came by my office last week, but I wasn’t in.” (I was afraid one of our staff was going to get tossed out of the courtroom for muttering perceptibly at this point, “of COURSE you weren’t.” But, no such deal, it must’ve been more quiet than I thought).
Dunn then advised Jenkins that he would next be set for a preliminary hearing, during which the prosecution would present evidence that has a lower threshold of proof of actions to bind Jenkins over for trial. During that time, Jenkins’ attorney also has the opportunity to present information that could tend to exonerate Jenkins, and show that he hadn’t performed acts that reached the threshold of what he’s accused of doing—that the actions he took were deliberate, and performed with intent. This could cause trouble for Hyde, especially if Jenkins’ attorney is capable; if during the prelim it can be proven that Jenkins did NOT take the actions with the “intent” Hyde is alleging, it’s a possibility, albeit a slim one, that he could be let go following a prelim, as many are asserting he was charged wrongly if Hyde wants anything to stick.
It was at this point Dunn advised Jenkins of what we’ve already proposed in print (this month’s issue, on stands now) Hyde will probably do, since he did charge wrong: A grand jury could be held, during which a panel of folks, with no judge and no public present, would be presented the information and Jenkins could be indicted on superseding charges (charges that replace the count already filed against him; this grand jury could return a true bill of indictment, for example, of involuntary manslaughter, during which they’d claim they believe Jenkins acted in fear for his life and fired, not meaning to kill Earp, but doing so anyway, thus the ‘involuntary’ part. This is the count Hyde SHOULD have filed, but Hyde has a track record to keep up.) As well, a grand jury could return no true bill at all…leaving Hyde in a quandary of how to proceed if he can’t get his own hand-picked people to follow his lead in the over-charging of Jenkins. It’s a crap shoot, but it’s admirable that Dunn brought it up at all; very seldom do we see judges do this under similar circumstances.
In the event of an indictment or indictments, the prelim won’t be held. It’s been set for December 16 at 3:30 pm. We’ll see if that goes.
After this advisement, Dunn requested the rest of the courtroom stay seated while the defendant was led out. Jenkins at this point shuffled up to the waiting deputies…but it appeared for all the world he was on the verge of tearing up as he glanced at the crowd of Earp-supporters to his left, not in sorrow over his own predicament, but that so many people were affected by the whole situation. From what we’ve learned of Jenkins, this would be in keeping with his character, as he’s not the monster the Earp crew is attempting to make him out to be. I reference this missive that was fired off to us last night by Earp-sister Brianna Trout:
Subject: Bull.
Yeah I wants to let you know how I felt about the bullshit posted about the Earps. They didn’t gain up on anyone, and before u start shit on this fucking disclosure crap, how bout a little respect for Scott who died and his friends and family that have to read this bullshit. all this shit is doing is pissing people off, and Jenkins deserves to sit in a fucking prison cell and fucking rot. Jenkins shouldn’t of had to be a fucking pussy in the first place to use a gun, maybe he should have grew a pair of balls and fought like a real man. Nobody is on Jenkins side, Scott didn’t deserve to get shot or die. Fuck jenkins. R.I.P Scott.Bree.
Here’s what we told her this morning when we had to get up at 5 a.m. just to make it to this hearing in enough time to get pictures of their motley crew:
Aren’t you the one that was screwing Billy Weigle when you were underage? Why isn’t he a sex offender like your lil bro? These are the kinds of questions people are asking. Don’t be so sure about your convictions, Bree…Jenkins has a family, too. & sometimes class, responsibility & not starting shit unless you can finish it will get you farther than 3-on-1 & having David Hyde so far up your ass, you see his face in the morning instead or yours when you shave.
Here’s what we were treated to when the whole bunch came rolling out of the courthouse, with Angel Neff leading the way and giving the appearance of pole-dancing without the pole when she saw we were photographing and Facebook-announcing the results of the hearing:

Angel Neff (whom we've learned is a Shelly Turley offspring...which explains a LOT) in front, leading the crowd of heifers who attended on Scott Earp's behalf....she's not very bright, but then again, she's pregnant with Flav Earp's kid...
It’s pretty pathetic when I give them enough space to “grieve” and be sad over their loss, and instead of getting up in their faces shooting pics, I stay in my vehicle and shoot so it won’t bother them….and they still shout things like “get a life” and flip me off with the fingers of the hands that were just holding those babies. I have a job to do, and I do it without intruding, but they say things like “have to read it” and etc. Um, no, you DON’T HAVE TO. Don’t click, don’t buy, it’s that easy…and it saves more papers for those who know what the Earps are about and who DO want to read it.
However, if you’re so convinced that Scott was such a “good guy,” and that Jenkins is such a monster, why don’t you do what other people involved in this are doing….CONTACT US. Convince us. Tell us why you believe this, and what your side is. You bitch because you believe this coverage is one-sided, but that’s only because we only KNOW one side. You don’t seem to understand my position: I’m here to tell ALL sides. I only ever wrote about the Earps because they are constantly getting into trouble, and it’s my job to write about the crims, accused and/or convicted. So get in touch with us—you know how—and let’s see what you have to say. We’re not here to demonize anyone. We’re here to write the facts. So give them to us.