U.S.—We don’t really want to see garbage like this:
or any of the attendant weirdoes in the rest of the post. We believe that people should kind of be respectful of others’ views, and not parade their weirdness like a cloud of feces floating around them like dirt around Pigpen on the old Charlie Brown cartoons. Seriously, if you want to be weird, join a commune or go to a city where it’s totally acceptable and not questioned when you walk out in broad daylight looking like this:
Nevertheless, we support these weirdoes’ rights to be…weird.
Which leads us to the new bill that’s been passed in the Senate, as of Tuesday. That’s right…the U.S. Senate.
From this link, No Army Can Stop An Idea, comes this:
The bill’s sponsor, Senator Missy Irvin of Mountain View, wants to limit body art procedures, particularly scarification and dermal implants.
By a 26-4 vote, the Senate moved to outlaw scarification, a procedure involving the scarring of the skin using heat to form a tattoo without ink, and implants that place ornaments under the skin.
The Senate passed a bill on Tuesday that would ban non-traditional body art and skin
Personally, we think the medical community is behind this crap. These people who get these procedures often encounter auto-immune problems from the implants, or dental diseases from screwing with their teeth, or something else that usually prompts some kind of medical litigation. So we’re of the opinion that Big Medical and Big Pharma are probably behind this one. They’re lobbying to stop this kind of thing so that they don’t have to deal with the malpractice insurance that comes to decent physicians and surgeons who wouldn’t dream of doing this kind of thing to people, so that the irresponsible ones who WILL do this kind of thing don’t make everyone else pay.
However, that’s not enough reason to impinge on peoples’ rights to self-expression. Bump up that malpractice insurance. Stop funding this shit on Medicare and Medicaid (think it doesn’t happen? Think again.) Stop Obamacare, which will make ALL of us pay for this in the end. Let physicians go back to being private business people instead of an arm of government.
What do you think? Is our government trying to take care of a problem? Or are they sliding down the slippery slope so that more of our rights to freedom of speech/expression are taken away from us?