...We have another round of treatment to get Ang through. This is the third round. We've been advised that there may have to be eight total...so this can and likely will go on for the rest of the year unless something changes.
The last results were good: No new tumors, the two big ones are gone and have not returned since they shrank back in February. New problem, however: She has a gut infection, as well as something going on with her eyes that's getting progressively worse every so many days. The gut infection is being addressed this week within the course of the treatment. The eye issue, we just won't know til we can get her to the eye doctor, which might be weeks yet. There are occlusions in her vision and no indication of what they could be. She has a floating cataract but these aren't like that. So when we know more, we'll address it. In the meantime, there are only limited circumstances under which she can drive...and working on the computer has become nearly impossible. So I'm on my own here: Driver, writer, reader, etc. Do us a big favor and make sure you're sharing our articles across your social networking pages. We're trying to produce more material for the e-Edition; those don't share well, but still...help us out. It really is going to make a difference as these treatments progress.
There will be a few e-Edition articles posted on Monday and Tuesday, which will be scheduled today as we're going "lights out" tomorrow morning (Monday, April 8) at 8 a.m. with no phone or computer communications. We'll be back on at 8 a.m. Wednesday. If there's a massive fire or civil unrest or God forbid an earthquake over the next two days, Chris is on-hand to manage disaster posts. Otherwise...thank you for sticking with us. This has been difficult to get through. We appreciate you continuing to support us. Be sure you do hit our remaining social networking pages: Minds.com, GAB, and Twitter (yes, we hate Twitter like we hated Fecesbook, but we're keeping it for now because we get no pile-ons when we produce an article about, say, Ian Hamilton; apparently his clan doesn't mess with Twitter, only Fecesbook or Instagram, which is about their speed). Help us out, and when we get back up to speed, you'll be glad you did! Thanks for reading ^_^