CARMI, Ill. - Sometimes folks make it easy for cops to do their job.
The two guys listed in today's Carmi City Police Department activity report would be two such fellas.

The first was one Justin M. Lindsey, 29, of a West Fackney, Carmi, address.
Yesterday (Wednesday, March 20) at 6:53 a.m., Lindsey was stopped on Stewart Street at Hillsdale, for squealing the tires on his vehicle.
Lindsey submitted to Field Sobriety Tests and was found to be impaired, so he was arrested and charged with Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol, as well as the Illegal Squealing of Tires. Lindsey has since posted bond with a notice to appear.
Then early this morning (12:57 a.m. Thursday, March 21), another vehicle stop was executed on a driver who police knew to have a suspended license.

Carmi Police stopped Caleb Quillman, 20, of a rural Norris City address, in front of the route 1 Ford dealer. Quillman was arrested for Driving While License Suspended, but was also additionally cited for Possession of Less than 10 grams of Cannabis and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. He was able to post bond to secure his release.