PALESTINE, Ill. - A Robinson man with a warrant for violence in Edgar County was arrested after a car he was in was caught speeding in a Crawford County village where police keep an eagle eye out for such things.
Palestine Police Chief Jeff Besing said that at approximately 2:00 p.m. today (Thursday, March 7), he stopped a red Pontiac Grand Prix for speeding on Outer West LaMotte Street west of the Palestine Grade School.
The driver, identified as Rancy L. Manhart, 42 of Marshall, was issued a citation for speeding. However, her passenger, identified as Dillon R. Manhart, 21 of Robinson, was found to have an active warrant out of Edgar County for a Failure to Appear on a Domestic Battery charge.
Dillon Manhart was placed under arrest and transported to the Crawford County Jail where he is being held pending a cash bond of $425.00 cash bond or extradition back to Edgar County.