CROSSVILLE, Ill. - White County Sheriff's Deputies saw lots of activity in the village of Crossville over the past couple of days, and here's the first of two reports about it.
White County Sheriff Department reports indicate that last night (Tuesday, February 26) at approximately 11:09 p.m., Deputy Lucas, working for the Crossville Police Department, made a traffic stop on a red Chrysler 300 on Main Street at Michael Jordan's driveway.
Lucas approached the driver's side and spoke with the driver, identified as Jedediah Locher, who presented a driver's license, but didn't have an insurance card. After Locher asked why he was stopped (cracked windshield which was spidered in various directions) and advised he didn't have a valid insurance card, Locher was written a no insurance ticket. Locher advised that the owner of the vehicle had insurance but didn't have a card in the car. There were three other people in the vehicle - apparently none of them the owner - one of them being Michael Jordan.
When another deputy (Scott Cantrell) arrived to assist, he advised Deputy Lucas that the other back seat passenger was Devin Ward, who happened to be wanted on a warrant. This was confirmed by dispatch as Failure to Appear on a 2014 for Theft Over $500, so Ward was asked to stop out of the vehicle. He was placed under arrest and searched, and placed in the squad for transport. The immediate area where he was sitting contained no contraband, Locher was issued his citation and released. Ward was apparently able to post the $500 bond, as he isn't showing up as incarcerated at White County.