We just wanted to let you know that there will be a lack of posts here today and through to probably Friday morning at the very least.
Ang is having to do another round of treatment and for two days of it, she can't be around anything electronic and particularly, wireless/bluetooth/etc., so all computers, phones and routers are off.
The good news is, the first round (done in late December) was successful in knocking out about half of the issues she's facing; so if this round works, we might be in really good shape here in about another month.
We know you're looking for us to expound on some particular matters and we're working on those, but we have to get this treatment out of the way first, otherwise the other half of my brain (my wife of almost 20 years) won't be working properly and I won't be able to bring the promised articles to you.
We thank you for hanging in there with us, and we'll be back up to probably about 85 percent (100 percent is really too much to hope for at this point) here in another week. Maybe we'll reach 100 in another month or two. This stuff is rough, I'm telling ya. But thanks for sticking with us. Hang on to your recurring payments; they're the best bargain for e-Edition. And there's more to come.