WABASH CO., Ill. - Got a trail cam? Who doesn’t, anymore, especially in downstate Illinois?
Well, now you have the opportunity to put some of those wild images caught on the cam on display.
For the first time in a couple of years, Beall Woods State Park, in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, is holding a Trail Camera Contest. Since the last contest was held in 2016, submissions can come from images captured during 2017 right up through this year.
They’re due June 1, so get to work on finding your submissions. Here are the rules:
- Photos must be from trail cams and taken during 2017-2019
- No pics of people or vehicles, only wildlife
- Submissions need to be in original format; no editing or cropping
- A limit of two 4 X 6 photos per person can be entered into each of the following categories: Whitetails, turkeys, predators, and “unusual”
- By submitting images, owners allow IDNR park staff permission to post their photos during the Sportsman’s event on September 14, 2019
- Winning photos will be chosen by visitors during the event
- No names or locations will be associated with photos
- Bring photos to the park’s visitor center on Saturdays or mail them to Beall Woods State Park, 9248 Beall Woods Ave., Mt. Carmel, Ill., 62863
- Include your name, unedited pic, category, and phone number
- Winners will be contacted by phone after the event
Remember; get your submission in by June 1. For further info, you may call 618-298-2441.