D.C.—The big news out of the nation’s capitol: Oscar Ortega-Hernandez being charged with assassination attempt.
This guy?

Oscar Ortega-Hernandez....about as white bread as he can be with a name like that. Photo from U.S. Park Service Police as obtained by Reuters, used here under Fair Use Act.
He’s supposedly mentally ill (okay, maybe; kinda looks like a Brian James O’Neill-ish dude), had been violent (okay….even a milquetoast-looking kid with a really contrived beard that probably took him MONTHS to grow can crack once in awhile), and nobody can really account for his hyphenated name (“Oscar” I can buy…he looks like a weiner…but Ortega-Hernandez…? I was really wondering about his legal residency status, until, that is, I saw his face.)
But I guess the big question of the day is….”Doesn’t the prez have to, oh, I dunno….BE AROUND an assassination attempt in order for someone to be charged with one??!?”
We know that prez Obimbo is NEVER around; he’s always vacationing; hell, even the 15-year-old asked last night, “Does the president ever WORK?” And he wasn’t around when OOH (nice initials there, Oscar) allegedly took out a presidential apartment window “somewhere near the living quarters”….but damn.
And of course, all the talk show pundits are having high-speed comeaparts of their own, and rightfully so, over the fact that mainstream media is taking great pains to point out that OOH “has no ties to any kind of radical group…” Really? No! He’s just been hanging out/getting lice from/defecating in the streets with the Occupy Wall Street-tards for the past several weeks/who knows how long…getting all inspired.
So the question should be: which is more ridiculous, the MSM for overlooking the obvious in that OOH is an OWS-tard; or the secret service for charging dude with something that doesn’t even get a kid hemmed up in Saline County for disorderly conduct? Or…is this a carefully-orchestrated attempt at gun control….to be followed by an attempt at a gun-grab, pre-2012 elections?