BIG MUDDY PRISON, INA—We just got a letter in the mail today from someone inspired by none other than Raymond Moss.
Moss, that well-known crim from Saline County who’s been in the Saline County Detention Center for more than a year now awaiting trial on sexual assault charges, has been sharing his vast knowledge of all things crim, including what a particular sex offender can do with his life….especially if he doesn’t want one. A life, that is.
Without further ado, we’ll print the letter, inspired by Moss (which means it COULD merely be a crock of shit), so you can see what we’re talking about.
Dear Disclosure,
I just got mandated to Saline County from Big Muddy River Correctionsl Center, for a new trial and while I was there in segregation, I talked to the guy across from my cell, Christopher Albin, N80270, and he had a very interesting set of circumstance and I promised him that I would get his story out, here goes; Albin is civilly committed, that means that a civil court has deemed him a Sexually Dangerous Person and he will more than likely spend the rest of his life in Big Muddy in four house where they have sex therapists and groups; once a year they go in front of some doctor or review board and see if they are capable of reentering society, but rarely does anyone ever get to reenter society. Now what makes Christopher Albin’s story unique is that he wants to be executed, and he has wrote several state officials to make this happen but they refuse to allow him to be executed; he has been convicted twice for sexual assault from the Champaign area, and he believes should he ever be allowed to get out he will rape again, he also maintains that he is a Christian and he does not believe in suicide. He has been in Big Muddy Seg since Feb. 25, 2010 refusing housing until they allow him to be executed.
Could you please write your state representative and demand that Christopher Albin be allowed to be executed?
Rod Black,
Harrisburg Jail

It's that craaaazzzy white boy, Chris Albin! (All he needs is a little cross in the middle of his forehead like ol Charlie Manson...only we know what to do with those "X marks the spot" carvings down here in So. Ill...
The letter had a post-it note attached that had Raymonduh’s distinctive handwriting on it, telling ol Rod to get his letter to me at my Calhoun PO Box, with a scribble, “They’ll print it for sure if you tell them. Tell Jack/Ang that Raymond Moss is contacting State Rep. John Bradley, Mike Bost, Brandon Phelps, Sen. John O. Jones, Gary Forby, Speaker Mike Madigan, to help get ALBIN executed and save taxpayers $$”
WOW! Since when has Raymonduh been interested in “saving the taxpayers money”?? But apparently he convinced Rod Black, and so here we are, with some crazed cons trying to help this pathetic little guy (who’s a Christain, btw) end his life. The soul just warms with the humanitarian effort.
Never mind that the death penalty is done away with in Illinois…these boys wanna see this done! It’s either that, or they’re REALLY wanting to see their names in print, pulling a stunt like this. So, here it is, Rod & Raymonduh….your letter will be seen by hundreds of thousands of viewers over the next several weeks.
(Personally, I think it’s a damn good idea, and I’d actually volunteer for the cause….bullets are cheap, quick, and it takes a lot less time than useless “group” sessions and sexual therapies. But this is Illinois….the only people who are going to be encountering the death penalty here pretty soon are the dissenters and the Patriots…those who deserve it in this corrupt police state won’t get it….and those who don’t deserve it will be the first to go.)
Would you be willing to help a white boy out? Give us your thoughts on the matter….& tell us whether you believe this is a stunt by the crew who has little else to do…or whether ol Chris is serious (and if he is….why didn’t he write to us himself?)